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Everything posted by jbot

  1. just in case anyone was wondering, i have seen this bike in person and it is one very clean, minty bike. i also got to ride brandon's race bike at beaver this past weekend (NOT the one he's raffling away for his brother) which is also a daytona, albeit older and more of a ragged out whore of a bike and it is pretty fantastic. very slim, light steering until you get it leaned over and then it become very stable and has very progressive and controlled responses to steering input at lean. the mid range is AMAZING (and keep in mind, i ride an 08 zx6r which is no slouch on power) and the engine and exhaust note is just sublime.
  2. that sounds like a really really terrible idea.
  3. yeah sorry guys, todd ignores all forms of contact from me so I'm no help. you guys at least get a call back... i just talk to him when i see him lol
  4. the response in this thread is pretty amazing. faith in humanity restored, and all that.
  5. i think they have a concession stand, but i would bring food. cold cuts at your local grocery store is way better and cheaper than the crap they serve at the concessions. as much as i like supporting them, the food and prices generally suck. ...with the exception, of course, of Dave and Tony's motherfucking bistro at Nelson.
  6. so what you're saying is... if he doesn't like it, he can giiit ouuut
  7. i'm taking 3 tickets. i'll cut you a check next time i see you brah.
  8. UP is a fuckin liar and a squid, basically
  9. just wanted to remind everyone (now that the cut off date is past) that people arranged to have a clam bake and steaks, so i hope you got in on that. i got steak and crab legs. what did you get? what's that? you didn't know? didn't get anything? aww, that's really sad.
  10. why didn't you buy a house with more land? i need a place to shoot at... err nevermind haha jaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaaaaay, congrats. home ownership is over rated.
  11. just to quickly answer questions posed, in no particular order: -yes, there are control riders -instructors/race school instructors/control riders/other staff will often ride multiple groups. they generally keep an eye on things in any group they go out in. generally, there aren't more than a handful of control riders in a given group, and there are 1.6 to 2.2 miles of track to monitor, so it's possible they dont catch it all, all the time. if you see people riding like assholes, mentally note the bike (number if there is one), leathers, whatever, and report it to staff and they will have a chat with them. -when i say staff, talk to todd, or jeff (the big dude who does pirelli tires for todd), quentin, or really, any of the regulars. -lol @ enforcer instructor. most people generally behave like adults and don't need some weird alpha dog treatment to be more considerate to others. usually, just having a chat with them will suffice... maybe a good suggestion for a cesar milan track day, though? -sometimes, i've heard that race teams will book both intermediate and advanced so each of the riders get more of a chance to go out on the same bike. particularly, SV endurance teams can do this because it's not too much of a lap time difference, depending on the rider. regardless, whoever goes out in intermediate should be passing more gently. if they don't, report their ass. -craigy-poo is so ghey for trash talking and not showing up even if he has a good reason. -kevvy-poo likes dudes
  12. i think they're just making shit up, don't listen to them. just go out the first lap of first session on a 50 degree morning, pass all the race school students around the outside of the carousel at nelson, and scream "KIIIIIIIING OF INTERMEDIIIIIIAAAAATE!!!1!!1!11!!1!1" and promptly lose the front going into turn 12.
  13. oh lest i forget, pauly can talk about how he got his exercise for the day involving his multi and a uphill and promises of a gas station also, i got to ride the beast and it was really fun. i was always afraid if would "feel" heavy as it's specs would have you believe, but you dont notice it at all when riding.
  14. i got to listen to 8-9 chapters of Tom Clancy's "Without Remorse" on the way to the meet up point and on the way home. in between, it was an awesome ride, and everyone got home safe (that I know of) minus our little detour that doubled our ride home. stupid 44 detour. it's been way too long since i went on a group ride, and I'm glad i did.
  15. i'm assuming he is kidding. not that there's anything wrong with taking novice again to get reacquainted with basics and the track.
  16. well, if you guys see this in the morning, let me know what your plans are to meet at millersburg. if i dont see anything, i'll either: cry, go back to bed wake up late, say "fuck it", go back to bed wake up early enough, get to bolivar and head to millersburg from there somehow hopefully, for once, it'll be option 3. it would be better to make the ride to millersburg with company, but i'll try to get there regardless.
  17. what time would you guys meet in bolivar?
  18. Hey newblol Welcome to the sitelol Enjoy your staylol See you soon. . . . lollol
  19. i would consider selling you my track/race prepped 08 zx6r for a mere $3500 (minus the gpr, you can keep the mount though). it beats kevin's pussy up all day with me riding one handed and looking back at him to make sure he's following my line. you can't buy it til after the last motoseries event in october or whenever it is. should have relatively fresh race tires by that time.
  20. if i go, it'll be sunday and if i wake up early enough lol
  21. jbot

    Embassy attacks

    true, we can't hold all countries to the same standard as the US (culturally and other wise), but youtube is an american company that just happens to be used world wide (like many other american based companies). if that particular country can't handle the free-ness, they need to work out an arrangement with said company (like china tried with google) and generally sack up. i hope that these really are random sprinkles of angry civilians... because if it is ever found out that they are organized and planned actions, they're going to get visits with uncle flash gang bangs and cousin double taps. and if it comes to that, everyone else is going to be sooooooo mad cause they'll make it look like it was civilians getting pwned, not organized militant groups.
  22. everyone recovers from falls differently some people get right back up the next session and turn faster laps, and some people take months and months, and everywhere in between. just work on riding smooth and follow the "race line" or the lines the CR's are taking... they generally won't lead you wrong. soon enough, you'll get your confidence back, and you'll be comfortable on the bike again.
  23. jbot

    i want peni

    this thread is going to look really good on gen3's resume
  24. shouldve done the helicopter when the cops arrived
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