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Everything posted by jbot

  1. coming soon, look for my tentacle monster makeup tutorial, and check my blog for details about my upcoming trip to odessa (never been there before, but all of a sudden developed an animal blood lust-like urge to go there).
  2. i want to propose a law where people can pass gun laws. but it depends if they have guns at their house (which i was assuming they didn't)
  3. is it your understanding that the second law doesn't care "what you do with your gun in your own house"?
  4. magley has to do 50 push ups as recompense for being a jerk
  5. jbot

    Best Pillow?

    Sobakawa pillow. Cause I like to sleep on nuts. jk I did use one once or twice, though. it was... crunchy
  6. do you have my address marty?
  7. darn, these are perfect for what i want in my basement (gun cleaning/work table) but wont have the right vehicle to haul it. nice tables, i'm sure they'll go quick. they sell shit like this at restoration hardware and the like for a grand or more. add the extra 40's industrial casters (with old grease for that antique look) and you'll get double the price. god, i hate restoration hardware.
  8. you two should fight to the death over who can tow what with their vehicle. it's the only answer.
  9. let this be a lesson to you all that cocaine is, indeed, a hell of a drug
  10. ziiiiiing seriously though, you mean people can go longer than 3~4 minutes? btw, here is the super long compilation video of novice group in case anyone was interested. enjoy:
  11. maybe we will have a "get drunk and work on bikes" party during the winter. we can play cards against humanity and eat meat and watch movies. and shit.
  12. judging by how tight you had the oil filter, front wheel axle, and your terrible drilling skills, i am in for a fucking treat. (lol but thanx for the info princess, i really do appreciate it) btw, here is that video of RVTpilot i took. it turns out i only had it on for half a lap, but here it is anyway:
  13. wait, what gearing is on my bike, kevin?
  14. 13th is when all the cool kids will be there lol
  15. there is one beacon that someone will put out, and then everyone else uses their timers off of it. however, from what I've heard, when that beacon sends the signal to the passing timer, it's possible for the multiple timers to receive the signal, giving inaccurate results. this might put off the times by .1 of a second or maybe more, who knows. in addition to that, my xt is always more generous than times posted via AMB transponders (usually by .1 second or so). as far as borrowing xt's or whatever else goes (and this bit is for everyone that comes to track days/races), it's a matter of slapping on velcro and making sure it's pointed the right general direction. it really is no trouble at all. you'll never find people more friendly, open or giving than when you're riding on track with them. i never knew it could be possible to feel so safe and welcome in a sea of strangers... but that's what i find at track days and even more so while racing. i think many of those hooked on this are in it as much for the comradery as they are for the excitement.
  16. the less people want to wave to me, the more intense my waving at them becomes. eventually, they all cave. it might be pity, it might be peer pressure, maybe even a dab of guilt. whatever it is, they all cave.
  17. how many times do i have to say this: if anybody has that much of a hard on for lap times, just borrow mine, or any of the dozen or so people that have one pitted next to you. that said, xt lap timers are only so accurate. if you want truly accurate lap times that wont suffer from interference from say, someone running an XT right in front of you, you need to do a race with a AMB transponder system or as was mentioned before, a GPS system with a high frequency gps transmitter (no, the one in your phone isn't particularly a high frequency unit). more important than that, lap times mean jack shit other than milestones. its your smooth riding/braking/accelerating, whether you're riding off track, crashing, hold your lines, making safe passes, blah blah blah. all those things are more valuable indicators of your riding than lap times.
  18. you mean to tell me not everyone is in a CSA program?
  19. i've been meaning to buy a big freezer for the basement to stuff with meat. after i get done fucking your moms, i'll go buy a big freezer and stuff it with bacon.
  20. do you have a cure for my tender-when-frigid vagina?
  21. jbot

    Wake up to this.

    find the highest sales ads you can of your year bike (for example, if it's a "special edition" or factory version or what have you). if there are no private party sales ads, use dealer ads and say "sorry, couldnt find any private party". they are clearly trying to screw you so you have to respond with opposite extreme (ie, high figures) so you get a "fair" settlement. make sure you get medical covered, since you mentioned you have aches/pains/etc. nothing would be worse than suffering from long term pain because of this accident and having to pay for it. generally, i would consider consulting with an attorney (not necessarily hiring them, just get advice from an attorney you might know or someone else knows). not sure how many miles you have on your bike or what year it is, but that number seems low.
  22. let's do this. too much drama llama before winter is uncouth
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