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Everything posted by jbot

  1. but it could potentially end like this if you let the tips go at it too long. nobody wants that, no matter how fabulous it might be
  2. wow... he just gave up on it, stood it up, and rode straight into oncoming traffic.
  3. but guys... guys... tip touching tip. just think about it.
  4. take it to the junkies race shop. i think they're in cinci somewhere. they'll probably charge you less than 65.
  5. kinda want, but i had been making progress on cutting down the number of bikes clogging the garage.
  6. consider getting active on whatever ninja/EX250 forums there are out there and getting some pointers. on the way home after your savior got it running, did it run normally, or harsh, irregularly, sputtering, etc etc? another suggestion: i highly recommend upping your ante, with cooking, cookies, and beer.
  7. good to hear you made it home alright. hopefully, the trail braking discussion wars will begin anew. or maybe we'll talk about drafting and block-passing maneuvers next.
  8. what, you didn't like Bieber vs Beethoven? einstein vs hawking? is your heart made of stone?!!!!1!!1/1
  9. the new hero3 is out or almost out. the base version will be $200, so you might want to consider that before buying. prices on the hero2 should drop quite a lot. i just found some stuff on clearance at target for the 2's, so i will probably pick one up to permanently mount on the bike. hopefully for cheeeeeeeaaaaaaaaap.
  10. jbot

    new girl

    best bet: start a new thread, post your number, write your location, and say you have to stop posting cause your battery is about to die and hope for a phone call. orrr you could always just call a friend to ask for help, but i'd personally go with the "pray for help from strange, obviously fucked up and horny, anonymous leg humpers on the internet" option. fo sho. no seriously, stop killing your battery by surfing on the web, and call some friends.
  11. jbot

    new girl

    i was searching for my mom and found this thread. y?
  12. we should just call you r1obama we'll figure something out. maybe in the deepest, darkest pit of winter despair, we will have punch and pie of hope yup, we should definitely have one in cbus and one up here. or more when possible. maybe for the cbus one, the cleve people can just go down to party and cbus people work on their bikes (so we dont over crowd the garages) and vice versa for the cleve one.
  13. we can have the cleveland area "work on bikes during the offseason and get drunk and shit" party at my house since there is lots of room in the garage and whatnot. i need to re-drill holes in my bodywork for the dzus fasteners since whoever the ass clown who mounted the body work was did an absolute shit job. also, still need to fix my belly pan (also from ass clown former owner) and probably learn how to not safety wire like a 3 year old.
  14. pilot road 2's, my child. everyone i talked to loves them
  15. honestly, i would just prefer a bike that has gyroscopic limiters set to prevent low sides (ie, you could set the limits and it would prevent overt inputs that would initiate a low side from losing the front or rear. electric or not, dont care. gas bikes are very good on gas (generally) and dont pollute a whole lot. all in all, from what i can see, they say it's all the thrills of a motorcycle, with the benefits of a car. i say it's all the gaylordness of cars with the terrible tire life and utter lack of storage and practicality of a bike. i bet it weighs more than your moms and accelerates like her too.
  16. andrew and ryan can stay in novice if they race with touring tires. sounds fair, am i right?
  17. neat video! my body position has apparently improved a bit lol
  18. that's got to be pretty upsetting for all you non-asian people. better luck next year.
  19. In the 1700s, magleys ancestor who was born with massive, deadly bear elbows proclaimed to all that would listen "hear ye hear ye... Why do you need guns? Why so afraid? If you need equal weaponry, why don't you carry a cannon around? My minuteman cousin said he'd put you down without blinking or shedding even a single manly tear if ordered to do so."
  20. You guys are seriously gay as shit. Racing was fun. As always, was a pleasure to race with you gents.
  21. gatsby is... accustomed to the "touch" of a man.
  22. omg i am so hard right now take me, bus driver man. take me now!
  23. oh? what a coinkidink, i'll be in hawaii in november for my honeymoon. i hope he doesnt straight up eliminate me gangsta style cause his commanding officer told him to kill all dudes with fucked up hair who waves frantically at EVERYONE while riding his rented scooter around the islands.
  24. sorry steve. i was all set to drag gatsby up on saturday to hang out too. very sorry to hear the bad news.
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