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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot

    Your welcome ;)

    you're making this out to be more than it really is... you just say tard-tastic shit sometimes. that's it. the fun happens when you try to defend your tard-gasms with one part "I hear this on the internet once" half-knowledge and one part "I was a blahblahblah engineer once". opinions are wrong when they're based on tard-knowledge. also, don't act like u not mad bro. u mad. u so mad. to illustrate, i'll invite a Gatsby (my dog) look-a-like to demonstrate how you contend u not mad, but in fact, u so mad.
  2. btw, in case anyone wants more info on these, STG has a pretty thorough review: http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=5271 also, notice that they're $300 lol
  3. haha the quest for gear never ends! well, i can always ship these or something (wouldn't be more than a couple bucks). let me know if you want them, they'll be here.
  4. nah, your toes are just sticking out, but rear sets are a common mod, so i guess might as well? i just dont see the wisdom in putting money into an 11yr old bike when you can buy a fully prepped (heck, they might have rear sets on them already), much newer track bike for pretty cheap if you think you might be doing many more track days. or maybe that gen gsxr's have an issue with low rear sets? i dunno. anyways, what's important is that you had a good time. hope we see you out on track in the future.
  5. judging by your pic, your toes are sticking out. un-quack them and the toes will stop dragging.
  6. jbot

    Victory is Mine!!!!

    quick, let's be buzzkillingtons and make fun of cruisers
  7. haha yeah, we've been playing. i was trying so hard to keep him from the cow level, but he finally figured out my schemes.
  8. jbot

    Your welcome ;)

    someone start a thread about their hit list so exarch can tell us about the time he was an assassin right after high school cause he flunked basic math courses repeatedly (but got really good grades in english class bro)
  9. jbot

    Your welcome ;)

    someone start a thread about being a nasa engineer so exarch can tell us all about the time he was a nasa engineer
  10. jbot

    Your welcome ;)

    but if the tard goes away, who will fill the void in our hearts left by ringo and jcroz and countless others who have kept us entertained? it is impolite to point and laugh at the mentally deficient in the streets, so the next best thing is to come on OR and have a giggle at exarch's expense.
  11. jbot

    Your welcome ;)

    we should make him a mod
  12. alright guys. i'm typing this from the new desktop. thanks to everyone (well, almost everyone) for their input and help. this is what i ended up with: i5 3570k asus p8z77-v pro vertex 3 240gb ssd evga 560 ti 8gb corsair vengeance ddr3 1600 windows 7 pro (after i put on some cheap sata dvd) i still need to slap on a HDD (I have one around here somewhere), and I might add a 16gb kit later (2x 8gb). it took a couple days cause i've been running around, but it's working well right now. i haven't bothered with OC'ing it yet, but i may do that later on for shits and giggles. i will say, diablo runs really super smooth on it lol. i think i came in around 900 or so. it was more than i originally planned, but i also didn't plan on going with such a "fancy" video card and bigger SSD. otherwise, i'm well in my planned budget. i saved a bunch by going with the i5 and z77 board over the i7 with x79 board. while i didn't build with "future proofing" in mind, i feel i have a lot of options to upgrade with this board if the time comes without having to dismantle the whole thing. so it was a good balance for me. thanks again!
  13. jbot

    Your welcome ;)

    wait, why would he block me? i've been exceedingly nice to him
  14. If you don't want to have to strap one in every time you ride, get one that is at least ce rated that fits into your jacket. There are also ones that have better coverage that clips into certain jackets (I believe alpinestars has such a setup in some of their jackets). That all said, a dedicated back protector is recommended. I love my contour race for when I'm riding in my suit. Its a bit long for jacket/jeans, but it still works ok, you just gotta tranny it a little and tuck it in.
  15. the feeling doesn't go away, and in fact, gets worse and worse. when you FINALLY grid up for the start (after the warm up lap) your breathing gets heavier and faster and your heart beats like Mr. Diabeetus just ran up the stairs. The #2 board comes up, and the air fills with revving engines and everyone getting into their launch positions, the #1 board follows and even though the all the engines are revving at this point, it becomes dead silent. Then the green flag goes and it feels like the armies of hell just landed right on top of you, all heading for the same patch of track in turn 1. This lasts for about a lap as everyone gets settled in their positions. You're still on the verge of nervous break down at this point. ...it's all that, then some overly talented ass just comes BLOWING by you on the outside of the turn you thought you couldn't POSSIBLY go faster than you were already going and just leaves you for dead with no chance of keeping them in your sights, and all is despair. Then, that first guy comes by you... close, just barely. And all of a sudden, the freak out ends, and your mind becomes a surgical laser, pin pointed on the guy in front of you. And that's when you really, TRULY know you can be faster.... because maybe if you just braked a little bit later, got on the gas just a bit sooner, if you let your bike jump into that turn just a bit faster... I can GET that guy and return the favor. at least, that's what my first race was like.
  16. The pinky can be injured very easily in crashes, and since it doesn't get used very often at all while riding, they secure it to the ring finger to protect it from getting snagged. The thumb protection is very beefy on this glove (more than my held phantoms). Lots of padding around it but not in such a way as to impede use. If you check bigger pics on line, you'll see all the reinforcement and padding it has.
  17. i've seen this bike in person, and it is every bit as nice as is described.
  18. yup. it was a big part of the reason i bought it. after having used it, i probably wouldnt do without it unless the gloves had other features that made up for not having it.
  19. i would get one eventually (or maybe a bluray burner for shits and giggles). i just loathe to think about having to go to microcenter again. it's not THAT far, but each trip is 50 (total) minutes of my life wasted on driving. and everytime i go, i either have to deal with 25 year old virgins who can't stop talking about how their AMD card crapped out on them during an "important" raid, and 64 year old spinsters who can't stop talking about how their nvidia card crapped out on them during an "important" raid. they ALL smell like cheetos and faint urine.
  20. so, i got it semi-together today, and then i realized the DVD-RW drive i have is IDE and the board i got doesn't support it at all, so I'm either gonna get a different drive (or steal one that is sata compatible) or something. and of course, the copy of windows 7 pro is on disk... i'm wondering if i can just download windows and put in the key or something... not sure.
  21. he wanted access to that incredibly large library of movies.
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