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Everything posted by jbot

  1. are you saying the grom and the zuma don't count? also, i'm pretty sure i get to borrow and crash your new race bike whenever i want now. and i don't even have to change my name to hannah.
  2. awww maaaan she's real? wait, who the fuck is this guy? i only know jeremi or whatever
  3. finally, an official ducati cock ring for the die hard ducateste
  4. can someone tag me when she starts posting pictures?
  5. so what kind of bike would you like to borrow? got any models in mind?
  6. looks real plasticky and cheap. probably rides real blocky.
  7. that was the cuntiest of cunty things i've witnessed on a ride, and i've witnessed some cuntastic stuff. overall, those were fun times.
  8. jbot

    Isaac papa

    i'd fuck with the lights on for sure
  9. jbot

    Isaac papa

    Street motogp bear fantasy
  10. jbot

    Isaac papa

    look at that sexy bastard
  11. jbot

    Slingshot review.

    i would only buy one of these after burning through a very LONG list of toys I'd want first. neato though
  12. i hope the forum makes it on his vlog.
  13. haha the striple is a great bike, so definitely not a borderline good, but absolutely fantastic call. i would recommend you get the tank corner covers. guy on the triumph 675 forum sells CF ones for a reasonable price and they do help protect the corners. This was on a 2012 so they might've fixed that vulnerability on the newer ones. enjoy the bike!
  14. i'll try to go out there to watch a track day. hopefully they don't charge me a fist in the bum to spectate.
  15. nivin, you're a mad man. i knew i liked you for a good reason.
  16. what's the word on airfence and run off and gravel and unicorns and shit
  17. we had a 2010 gti. it was fine. fun to drive, and pretty reliable. bought it certified preowned with 20K miles, sold it at 110K miles. TDI golf or jetta or passat with your commute is still the better choice if you're going VW. althougggghhhh, a bmw 335D would be bad ass if you could find one for cheap. i'm a fan of diesels.
  18. see if you can find a Passat TDi or jetta or golf. nice cars, great fuel economy, rock solid engine. destroys the earth and kills babies, but shiiiieeeet 60mpg sonnnnn
  19. definitely don't listen to the "more expensive is betterer" bit. It's better in terms of certain secondary optional niceties like kewl colors and designs and other useless crap for actual safety. DEFINITELY try on a good variety of stuff, and ALWAYS go for the one that FITS best. The padding shouldn't move around once the stuff is on, the helmet shouldn't wobble from head movement, the gloves should fit nice and tight, and boots and etc etc etc. just go to iron pony (also happens to be a forum sponsor) and try on everything. literally, spend like 3-4 hours just trying on stuff and take notes. take someone with you that knows their stuff on gear and get their opinion... but if the expensive fancy jacket fits you best, and all the padding at the joints sit nice and tight, then spend the 3-400 bucks and get the fancy jacket. if a $50 clearance bin helmet is nice and tight while still be comfy, get that.
  20. it is, in terms of a pure cost/performance ratio proposition. but even demi-god marc marquez started on some piddling 50cc pocket bike.
  21. a 600cc sportbike (~400lbs weight, 100+hp) has a much great power to weight ratio than a C6 corvette. i'm trying to remember the last time i recommended a vette as a first car. i'm having a hard time remembering this occurring... i don't think my mullet was bitchin enough to retain memory of the incident. a 1000cc bike is... umm... i don't think there are many comparisons. i'm not even sure what you're looking to get our of this thread... you're not really even asking a question, you just flat out state that you're buying a 600rr or whatever sportbike... so go buy one. they're all basically the same except kawasaki has the worst oil change setup (at least a 2008 zx6r does), close your eyes and just pick at random. bikes are all about that sweet sweet personal responsibility. this is why all my motorized two wheel conveyances are 125cc or less.
  22. Just answer their questions honestly. Ask honest questions. Don't oversell but don't sell short. Blah blah blah BS BS BS suggestions that are generally true, but not helpful in actually getting the job. I'm not sure what sort of manufacturing they do, is it mostly fab, mostly machining or both or what.... but depending on your forte, you may very well be the guy. Management can be learned (otherwise, i wouldn't be here) in a relatively short time vs technical and mechanical "know how" which is much more intangible (and valuable in a new shop that will be full of shit that needs to be setup, installed, fixed, and generally "figured out") and comes from decades of being knee deep in shiny metal shit that goes clickity-clackity, which is your big selling point, IMO. They'll probably expect you to live there more or less, so if they do make you an offer, remember that. Assuming you're willing, go into the talks with the mindset that you're ready to "own it" and that, coupled with your deep rooted "make shit work" and "know how to make shit" background, will probably be the things they're looking for. ORRRRR I'm completely off the mark and all that shit was useless. hit me up on FB messenger or PM here if you want to chat more. They're probably running a much bigger operation than what I have going on, so I'm not sure how much help I'll be.
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