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Everything posted by jbot

  1. uhhh fake it til you make it homie haha
  2. "once the traffic 'let' us pass through"
  3. highly suggest you drink a shit ton of beer immediately before to brush up on the industry before the interview. best of luck!
  4. you're not even that short. you'll click on casper's dick pic and you'll like it. murica.
  5. why do you hate america?
  6. jbot

    RENT for a week

    well, in my fanfic, you were playing the role of john wick/liam neeson but we can make this work. this plot line edit will require that you fly over to the Czech Republic and commit a couple minor acts of genocide and we can go from there.
  7. jbot

    RENT for a week

    I knew someone would pull through on this site. I hope this turns out to be a beautiful story of friendship and international cooperation and comradery... not one of heart break, stolen/destroyed bike and a Liam Neeson-esque international man hunt with a huge body count. Either way, you are the man, bubba!
  8. Don't talk trash, diet jinu
  9. it's probably because he had an amazing bike. what a lucky guy
  10. Did you buy new or used and how much if you don't mind me asking
  11. i'm on the hunt for one, so write a review plz
  12. can i chip it with a cobb racing tuner, bro?
  13. jbot

    motobro code

    i mean.... i dunno. almost everything i write is pure fucking gold.
  14. jbot

    motobro code

    this is a 4 year old thread and OR was a different place back then. now it's full of useless fucking retar.... no wait, it's the same.
  15. i can't believe you let these half wit trump-ettes address you in this fashion. it's as if you've been letting them talk to you this way all this time without immediately putting them in their place. how could you do this? i trusted you!
  16. https://slickdeals.net/f/9738428-2016-triumph-america-motorcycle-6494-shipping-up-to-599?v=1 i dunno, it looks cheap. if you're looking for a bike, this seems like a good deal, or at the very least, good for leverage against a local dealer. going back to my slumber now, good byyyyyyeeeeee
  17. i, too, got a sun tan while standing outside during a sunny day.
  18. make every single american (able bodied or not) work 12's for 2 years in a factory or military service and get paid jack shit til you learn to budget and live and work. learn you some goddamn manners and respect.
  19. i think you're hurt and feeling vulnerable. we're here for you. we are your brothers and sisters. even if we may or may not disagree on politics and policy and grabbing pussies and lightly wiping a server with microfiber, we are still a family.
  20. don't buy dan's bike. he sat on brandon's bike and immediately dropped a couple seconds. but don't buy brandon's bike. his is not for sale (yet) and will be way more than mine. instead, buy mine for only $500 more than what you're selling your 5 years older and non-R 675 for. it's the best of all worlds. jbot's panda 675R for president 2016
  21. am i the only one that thinks the one model looks exactly like a grom from the front?
  22. the whole "I'm just here to troll you guys lol" is a common and frankly, tired tactic for the feeble minded. i think you make valid points between all the salt and sadness, but the energy you put into all that misplaced anger and vitriol is better served not trying to stir up this obviously anti-hillary crowd into basically hurting your feelings thus continuing the cycle, but to open useful discourse. you're not better than anyone here and your insecurity is transparent.
  23. obituary link added to OP, also here: https://www.indianagazette.com/news/obituaries/ryan-hill,25206256/
  24. very nice of you guys to help them out with all that stuff!
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