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Everything posted by jbot

  1. meh, just tack on $10 to your track day budget and call it "increased transparency" on part of the track lol or, sometimes, the gate lady(ies) will fall in love with your puppy pal in the passenger seat and let you in anyway.
  2. the guys are just being dick squeezers can you give us some details on the music video? music, bikes/cars you're looking for, etc? will the shoots be happening on closed roads/lots or will it be a "shoot until the cops show up" sort of deal?
  3. jbot

    Dumped it!

    did it rub THROUGH the leather?
  4. I was just there in the store is still closed up
  5. Plus you can do a parade ride during lunch bitches! You can partake in the scooter races that will surely occur.
  6. People who don't have a suit but want to do a track day, post your size. Maybe someone will have a spare. If not, it's pretty cheap to rent, so that shouldn't stop you from having a blast
  7. if no one gets it after 3 days or a week, who picks the new challenge? if i get to pick, i'll go with something less seedy, and say bike in front of chucky cheese. if i'm not allowed to pick, i'll edit my post.
  8. last time i asked my fiancee to do anything relating to the bike, i asked her to just keep my track bike upright for me. she promptly let it drop on its side. not that it made much difference lol i just laughed and inwardly vowed to myself to remember this day during the preparation of our prenup.
  9. i've seen some track day orgs allow the european specs over Snell. I think ECE and BSI are both well regarded helmet specs, but some track day orgs require snell to be safe. there are plenty of helmets on sale/clearance that will easily meet track requirements. also important, the helmet shouldnt be too old (should be more than 4-5 years old i believe) and definitely not damaged.
  10. jbot


    welcome to the board! just use prison rules: the sexual harassment usually dies down once you shank another weaker member in the weaker member. there is also the chameleon method, pioneered by osumj. search for "OSUMJ is a girl?!" and finally, you can go the attention whore route, which the most common. search for "busahauty" "kay9109" "redridinghood" and countless others. actually, that last bit is one part "attention whoring" and over 9000 parts "forever alonely leg humping gone wrong", in all honesty. but yeah. welcome. at least you'll be amused for a while!
  11. and speaking of handy info from ktm-brian (formerly, lizard1): useful track day info and also this, which OP needn't worry about for the most part, but some handy dandy info: things that are handy at track days/weekends both are stickies at the top of the track day section.
  12. i generally agree that the majority of non-professional investors will perform worse than funds. i also think that the key is to be better educated and more judicious than the average investor... just like anything else in life, if you want better results than your peers/colleagues, more work needs to be done. right now, i am not willing/unable to put in the time and effort to be better than every other joe schmoe who is starting to think about retirement, so I'll join the masses and pay my dues to managers who do this for a living. but later, when i actually know what i'm doing, i'll try my hand at more advanced (and aggressive) investment options.
  13. i didnt need a weight slip for mine. i just looked it up and told the dmv. maybe it works differently in different counties? edit: on second thought, maybe it came with a cert of origin or something? i really don't remember now
  14. well, depending on when you want to do it, get in touch with todd at motoseries or any other track day org and get signed up. we'll help you with the rest. the track is not a scary mysterious place when you have so many people willing to flog the newbie into shape (haha) the last weekend of april is the first weekend for motoseries at nelson ledges and a crap ton of us will be there. if you decide you want to do that, definitely get a hold of todd to arrange the suit rental and if you need any other gear, i'm sure he can help you with that. he's rented/loaned out boots and gloves as well in the past. as for getting to the track, i'm sure we can find someone you can hook up with to get there. you'll be tired at the end of the day, so i recommend you not ride to the track, but it's definitely doable if necessary. there are other reasons too, like god forbid, you crash and it is unrideable or you are too sore, etc. the latter is unlikely, but you never know. keep posting questions.
  15. that's pretty much where i'm at as of now. i want to be more hands on, but my hovels of a business takes up much of my time, focus, and stress tolerance (and lets not forget, 60% of my net worth looool... oh god). so until that settles down, which will probably be when i'm 60 yrs old (god willing), i'm relegated to either a financial advisor or continuously dumping money into funds or other "safe" investments that will hopefully out grow inflation. i do like reading the links. once I get my bearings on all this crap, I will start putting some of it into practice.
  16. It's very easy like was stated earlier. We could easily help you prep your bike in the morning before, no worries. Should have tires in good shape (don't worry about what kind of tires they are, for the most part, but if you're not sure, just tell us what you have mounted). Usually the gear is the biggest challenge for new track riders. I believe motoseries rents gear for $35 for the suit. Maybe a couple bucks for other stuff. You can also try to post up your size and some one might be nice enough to lend you their spare suit or whatnot. If you think you'll be doing spirited riding in se Ohio or more tack days, I would just try to buy a cheap used one or one on sale. If you have more questions, feel free to pm me.
  17. oh yeah, i finally drilled out the remaining bolts that r1impactedanus said he would drill and wire but instead, bait and switched with drilling and safety wiring my thumb. also, the oil crush washer he forgot to put in. still need to fix the belly pan from when the previous owner(s) bottomed out the bike and ground an opening into. are we gonna do that "how to patch up fiberglass" class? i'm free this weekend if you are.
  18. i like the name of their company. and i only know it because of god of war. thanks for nothing, public schools!
  19. and i know this has been posted before, but don't get too too focused on the lap times. it is just as important to be consistent and smooth with good lines. When you're at the point where you're riding consistently and smoothly and with good lines, you will hit those times without issue.
  20. This came up during the conversation in the first motoseries round discussion... tell us about your first race I'll go first and then feel stupid when nobody else posts: It was 2 seasons ago, I think it was september or something. I had just done the race school the month before (at nelson) and was feeling like I was improving but wanted to try racing before the year was out. So the next race coming up with motoseries was at Beaver (now called PIRC or some crap) and I signed up for the mini 20 (20 minute race). I was so damn nervous. I was glad I didn't do the sprint because there were way more bikes on the grid and I would've shit big black throbbing bricks if i had to go into turn one with that mess... the mini 20 was bad enough. Also, I was so frantic and nervous, i didn't give myself enough time to scrub my brand new tires in (Q2's... dont need much break in but still i was going crazy with worry). I did manage to go out during a sighting/warm up lap the race before (1 lap before they grid up) so I calmed down a bit. As race before came to a close, my heart started thumping even harder than before, and I must've triple checked my gear. Then they finally called the mini 20 and I just rushed to get my helmet and gloves on. At this point, my heart feels like it's going to put a dent in my rib cage. We do the warm up lap, and I manage to grid up in the right spot (some kind soul wrote it down on duct tape for me, i think it was craig) and I just try not to die from heart failure as the board goes from 2 to 1. The flag flies, and I do my trademark "way too much clutch, slow as fuck" launch. I have to note here that the flagger did an excellent job (lol) Here are the highlights: first lap, into turn 2, I get cut off by a guy on an SV like a boss. i get around him a couple turns later. Some unknown number of laps in, i finally catch up to craig and we have a lovely moment where we're both converging on turn 7 or 8 and we locked eyes... and I thought I was going to hit him before I stayed on the throttle just long enough to eek by. In reality, it was probably not as close as I think it was, but that's how i remember it (sadly, this is about the last time i'm faster than him and he pays me back the next time we race at beaver). The rest of the race was pretty inconsequential. There were a couple guys on sv's that we lap and some sv's that lap me, and some of the fast guys lapped me 2 or 3 times. Near the end of the race, there was a battle of 2 bikes that I just didn't have the marbles to get around and I finished the race that way. in the last 4-5 laps of the race, my braking arm was KILLING me as I had to keep braking harder and harder from brake fade. I was exhausted everywhere else by the last 2 laps, and my mind exulted when the flag finally went. Then I ate a giant prime rib and drank mead and made sweet sweet love to 3-4 women who all totally climaxed and didn't lie about it. that, or I ate some left over granola bars, drank 4 bottles of gatorade and passed out in the car on the way back home. It was almost certainly the former. Anyway, it was glorious.
  21. we should make a "my first race" thread. i'm sure some lulz could be had.
  22. is the diavel comfortable? is it super duper heavy? oh, right, glws
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