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Everything posted by jbot

  1. You big fucking pussy. This has to be your worst post on here ever. If you can't find a way to continue the drama shut your pacifying lips by sucking my tiny yellow cock.
  2. what a well done car! one day, i'll have something fashonably old but fancy.
  3. if you take her up on that offer, i'll go ahead and send you some barbicide to clean that with first. i am told it will kill AIDS and other unpleasantness.
  4. here is an interesting article, from the huffington post: yo mama so fat...
  5. i routinely get my feelings hurt when i slow down to let people into my lane and they don't wave. also, when i force my way into a lane, i'll at least wave frantically to let them know i appreciate their compulsory acceptance of me playing the role of "that douche bag who cut me off" today. if they speed up to keep me out of the lane on purpose (competitive left lane camper), then i will wave even harder. fairly sure I get the car to shake when i do it this way... they usually back off cause they know i got mad waving strength.
  6. if you buy used, you're at the mercy of the seller and his honesty. the same goes for anything used (or even new, if it's something that is often ripped off from china... ie, there was a pretty big hub bub over replica a-stars gloves a while back) i try to buy from whom i believe are trustworthy. if you get a smokin deal and are not sure and are willing to take a risk... buy it, cough up the bucks to get tested. if it fails, then write it off using line item "caveat emptor". if it passed ok, then you got a good deal minus $20 which is cheaper than a possible concussion or worse.
  7. I guess I should put a arbitrary "cut off" date for candidacy posts. Let's make it Weds, April 11th. I still don't know how I'm going to decide who is winrar. it will probably involve a litter of puppies with name tags that have usernames written on them, a curb with peanut butter lathered all over, and a timer.
  8. ...I will be giving away my shitty open trailer. I know it doesn't really come close to making up for all the awful retarded shit I post, but hey, it shows I care, right? It's ugly, but very functional (at least, last time i used it, which was last year). It has a 3000lb limit (doubtful) and weighs approx. 300lbs (likely). I forget what size ball it's setup for, but it's smaller than what your mom is used to. Should be 1.5" or 1.75" (whatever the common size is) but it is less than 2". If you don't like your things to be ugly, you'll want to give it a better... umm... "paint job" than I did. The turn/brake light on the rear right side is also a bit goofy... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Should be a couple bucks to fix. I also recommend doing a grease/repack job. The criteria for eligibility is the following: 1. You are doing at least 1 track day this year 2. You must pick it up (I ain't delivering a free trailer, biatch!) 3. You will actually use it for a while. You won't just get it and resell it within a year. That would be lame. If you do sell it, please donate it to a charity (like air fence, or something with cancer, or put a laughable bounty out for the murder of Kony, or whatever). You could also give it to the next person that needs it. Below are pics (it looks shittier now cause of my "paint job(s)" loolololol post here for your candidacy and how you meet the requirements. posting funniez for the benefit of all is recommended. Oh yeah, trailer is located in Mentor, OH. about 25-30 minutes NE of Cleveland. EDIT: I guess I should put a arbitrary "cut off" date for candidacy posts. Let's make it Weds, April 11th. I still don't know how I'm going to decide who is winrar. it will probably involve a litter of puppies with name tags that have usernames written on them, a curb with peanut butter lathered all over, and a timer.
  9. i even repped the fake adam account cause it was posting kitty pics. got pwned
  10. in honor of happy endings, need a pic of your bike in front of a seedy massage parlor.
  11. heyyyyyyy i said i was gonna be there sat. just not sure about sun
  12. if there was any good that came out of this thread, it was that i finally hit 4 stars.
  13. I have a carbon fiber upper in good shape. Feel free to make me an offer. It's tough to find an upper in good shape for reason. Check eBay as well.
  14. taylor swifting is soooo march 2012
  15. reading some of the posted links/articles and digesting the info. i really appreciate the input. i'll have to give a professional advisor some serious thought.
  16. hey, the man has posted probably a few terabytes worth of fap worthy material on here. he could've linked a video of an adorable litter of fluffy bunny rabbits getting thrown into a wood chipper and i would still have fixed the link for him and chuckled. i mean, that would be pretty fucking funny. way funnier than some cock getting teased, but you see where i'm going with this.
  17. once i hit 5000 posts, i'll probably have to remove one of my 3 balls to help reduce the post population crisis
  18. this is all pretty unfortunate. from when I've seen brandon at the track, i have to say that everytime i've seen him, he was always helping someone out and the same goes for the other AFJ riders/racers. and i lurk (and during the track season, occasionally post) on AFJ and from what I can tell, he is freely giving of his time and himself. the majority of the membership is that way, as well. lol, as an aside, i will say they sometimes have even more inter-forum drama llama action than OR does. on the other hand, i can also see why ben might feel the way he does given how some of this unfolded (no need to rehash it since it's a thoroughly beaten to death horse). it is unfortunate that the e-drama had to go this way.
  19. Hi fellas I don't know why, but recently I've been a bit consumed with thoughts of retirement and financial planning recently. "Consumed", however, does not equal "knowledgeable" unfortunately. If you have an interest or are like minded or you are a financial adviser for a living, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Obviously, there is no need to divulge any of your personal finances, but would like to get your thoughts on your strategy. If you are a financial professional (CPA, securities adviser, etc), you would not be held liable and I would certainly hold you harmless for anything you say. I know that, probably, many people on here that have an active interest in this sort of thing have a 401K from their work and whatnot and that comprises a large portion of their "retirement planning". Sadly, I do not have one. The closest I have to it is the IRA (a mix of roth and traditional) that I have been contributing to for the last 4-5 years. The rest of it has been going to savings and paying off my mortgage (although, I have a new one now. lame) Basically, what I'd like to know is, what does your portfolio look like? Also, what do you do with your paycheck after bills are paid? oh, and bonus question: anyone know anything about prenups? it's a subject that will have to be broached eventually by myself and my fiancee in the near future.
  20. just use ear plugs you dirty jersey shore look alike! GAWD lol you're right, a few of us missed the point (especially me) if you are looking for a new helmet anyway, here's where i go when i go searching for street helmets or to check out reviews for gear: www.bbdwhitewimmenz.com here is something i found for your pleasure that first link is especially useful, the second link just shows how caring and gracious i am.
  21. that's what you get for liking mountain dew. totally deserved it.
  22. cause i am nice and you are a valuable contributor
  23. i have one of those fiberglass repair kits. if there is enough in there for both of us, you're welcome to it. however, i can't do tomorrow though cause apparently, in motherland, easter is on fucking saturday (actually it's cause my 3 month old niece is on a tight eating/sleeping schedule and they're coming from cbus).
  24. for long rides or on track, i always use ear plugs or ear buds that are either foam or seal well. i know certain helmets are quieter but only by a certain degree and it certainly won't come close to foam ear plugs or a good set of foam ear buds. it's just too loud without it for me, and i prefer to keep my hearing long term. most people steal the disposable ones from work (you fucking scum bags), but i steal disposable ones from work and keep a couple sets in my tail bag, jacket, track gear bag, bike storage compartment, vagina, etc etc.
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