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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Nice to meet you derek! I hope it works well for you and we'll get to go riding down those tasty roads just SE of you.
  2. i had uhaul install the hitch and wiring kit on my car. they did a good job, and it pulled my (soon to be former) trailer around well enough without any concern. i mean, people who saw me pull the trailer were concerned, but i inspected the install area after pulling a loaded trailer and everything was nice and tight.
  3. jbot

    Break out Ride

    well, i AM a fabulous ramen chef. that's actually what i wanted to be when i grew up
  4. jbot

    Break out Ride

    for merchandise, they consistently have decent sales and specials for holidays. for groceries, they're probably no different than any walmart/kmart who can't compete with giant eagle or the like. kroger ain't all that for groceries either. back in the day (at least when i was at OSU), they did have some good deals on soda. like a buck per 12 pack. those were the days. why do you homos care so much about groceries anyways? don't your wimmenz do your grocery shopping for you? i haven't gone to buy groceries since my gf (at the time) moved in.
  5. i will say that for me, q2's have held up better against squirrelyness for longer and at a quicker pace (again, that's for me, otherwise would be considered laughable) than PP2CT or pures or BT016's. there was one turn at beaver (the downhill right that is off camber) that would often make the rear slip just ever so slightly, but enough to make me feel really uneasy. the q2 would do that same, but not until about 15 minutes in at what i would consider a "fast" pace for me. so someone that is running quicker times than me would probably make them melt a bit faster. keep in mind, there is also the issue of how smooth i was being (probably not very) that affects how the tires react. that all said, definitely race tires will give you more confidence. I've been putting it off for a while (being a stupid cheap bastard) although i did run a race front with a pure rear. didn't really like that combo (loool) so this year i will try race tires front and back. i'll probably try dunlop race tires once i'm done with my stock of michelin tires and see how i like them. good advice in this thread guys!
  6. jbot

    Break out Ride

    i wish we had a meijers
  7. it tastes like ball sweat. it is unpleasant, but strangely addicting. thats cause i do a lot of coke
  8. i got it brah also, this is not entirely inaccurate.
  9. i dont think so. i just have a few I bought from sportbike tire service when they had their sale.
  10. Please excuse my tardiness. Got caught up with work, didn't get to break for lunch til just a bit ago. The results of the "Over 5000!!1!1!! Trailer Winrar Selection" is now complete, and I will describe the events below. exhaustive selection criteria was as follows: I printed out 2 images that I believe best represented the candidates I laid them out side by side on a table I gazed into their eyes for a while, longingly. mouth breathing, just enough. I closed my eyes with the images imprinted in my mind I spun around in place 10 times while fapping like fucking crazy (no lube, had to be hardcore) After I got the timing down, made sure I knew that the table was at least in front of me and moaned like I was the last panda left on earth, dying from autoeroticasphyxiation It took a couple tries to get the timing just right. On the 4th try, I got it, but a little blood came out. Or hot sauce from when I was eating wings for lunch, I dunno which. . . . . . . . . . . . . results: congrats to imprezz, you are winrar sorry Todd! The coin toss didn't go your way. I'll buy you some spaghetti sometime. Imprezz, you can email or PM me so we can arrange you coming by to grab the trailer.
  11. for track day/instructing use, i'm not out pacing my Q2's as long as I'm not running at pace for more than 15 minutes at a time (after that, they start getting all squiggly like lol). Are the last gen dunlops any good? i know the dunlop guy was clearing them out last year, wonder if they're still doing that this year? i also still have my pilot races, so i'll burn those up first before I buy anything, but I'm starting to think about it. craig, you'll have to tell me how you like those pirelli's.
  12. before i read all that, i went and bought about 20K worth of highly recommended penny stocks that i got in a fax. i should be good right?
  13. ok, i have an idear. it still won't involve video (cause it might be a misdemeanor if i publicly post it) but i think an image might be ok. once i get some time, i'll execute the plan and post the results.
  14. they should make an app to let you know you're about to be devoured by a bear.
  15. lol where am i going to get a feather boa and/or thongs? your mothers left my bed earlier this morning after making me breakfast.
  16. i considered putting it on video, but i was too lazy to do the spectacular "puppy that survives the curbstomp-a-thon hunger games the longest" selection process like I originally planned and a simple coin toss is too lame to get on cam.
  17. ok, i have 2 people that would fit the bill (imprez and midget todd), so i will flip a coin and see who gets it. i'll wait til lunch to make sure there aren't any more stragglers. imprez is heads (cause he's the only white guy i know with such a baller fro) midget todd is tails (cause he has to look at them all day due to his natural sight line and unnatural perversions) if someone else joins the fray, i'll pick a name out of something gross.
  18. for instance, your very presence in this country is a crime.
  19. weren't they proposing or maybe have already passed some law prohibiting secret compartments?
  20. lol i WISH i could be programming again.
  21. machining can be boring and poor pay or awesome and lucrative, depending on your inclination and your access to the machine. if you are content to languish in the button pusher position, then yeah, it's boring as fuck and depending on the job, not terribly lucrative. if you learn quickly and don't crash it (too much lol) and have some decent access to the machine, then you can make some crazy fun shit on it and break 6 figures quickly if you're not totally retarded with cad/cam. but that goes for any industry, i guess. good luck finding someone. the pool is a bit sparse right now, but i'm sure the steris name will draw some people looking to make moves. i don't get much opportunity to program anymore (and never really had to get my hands too dirty on the floor since I always kept a programmer around one way or another), but would love to do some more once things calm down a bit.
  22. meh, my dad already defriended me on facebook, i'm assuming the inheritance ship has sailed long before then. then again... he defriended my sister too, so perhaps my long term psy-ops tactics are working. MUAAAHAHAAHAHAHA jk (on everything except getting defriended. that actually did happen) for the first step, i'm leaning towards continually buying a variety of mutual funds in addition to maxing out my IRA's every year. i did buy some stocks and funds prior to now, but with no real direction and only a small amount invested... just on a whim here and there. When a couple contracts start playing catch up on cash flow, I will seriously consider consulting with a financial advisor on what to do with those funds as well as the proceeds from my old house sale. Part of what brought this about was the prospects of letting those funds languish in some 1% savings. i am still considering letting them languish in a used 911 turbo lololol
  23. but that's motoseries round 1 at nelson ledges biatch! i'm actually not sure if i'm racing yet, so if i can make it, i will...
  24. I'm a white Asian targeting a poor innocent black tod. He was wearing his "don't stir the shit" hoodie with a pocket full of "rational discussion" fried chicken. I lost him after chasing him down with magleys rocket launcher loaded with "I have no basic understanding of how affirmative self defense is applied in law" incendiary rounds. Uncle pink flanked me, and was about to turn me into just another one of his white wimmenz, but Thank god exarch was there with his mighty fists that can knee cap everyone who commit crimes and even thinks about carrying protection... He saved me by turning back time and making sure I wasn't in a bad neighborhood. Then I woke up from this nightmare to find myself in a world where Asians had ginger nipples, and seppuku'd to preserve my honor and sanity.
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