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Everything posted by jbot

  1. come hang out with us at the track, despite all the abominable shit that is said on the forum, most of us are actually relatively normal people in real life. r1enema being the exception. one of us will give you a tow or five. no worries! btw, are we still cooking up meat after the last session on sat? i'm assuming we're doing a "bring your own meat" arrangement? i'm going to eat a full pack of bacon with a side of filet.
  2. Youre so right. Being the OR whipping boy is a job you were born to do. Too bad the only pay is your silent unspoken tears and the inevitable collapse of your e-persona. If only you could perform at your real job with the same level of... competence.
  3. I thought the secret was to just pull his hair and five across the eye until he says "oh god, please don't hurt me anymore, I'll do anything you want but please stop hurting me. Oh god oh god, please don't kill me..." and so on and so forth? Have I been doing it the wrong way all this time?
  4. I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. While I dont think anyone would've wished it on you, it is probably not terribly surprising to some (considering how you yourself said you conducted yourself with superior professionalism). The good news is, you said you had another opportunity that pays better with better hours, right? In any case, hope it works out to the better for you.
  5. I didn't want to lose the tactical advantage of people not knowing I have a gun so I didn't join. I dont know how you do it maaaan, dont you feel just so.... vulnerable? Ohhhh ho ho ho ho ho Just kidding, sounds fun, have a good time!
  6. as long as they are cooler and likes less dudes than r1lovesgermanpooporn, they are welcome... so... everyone is welcome.
  7. i'm not here to argue or anything. just telling you my opinion which is right and yours being wrong. OC FO LIFE
  8. OC is only scary to the public or "attention whoring" because people are not aware of the laws and operate on their base instincts and incomplete understanding of handguns. i support those who exercise their right to OC.
  9. lol that review even says it was written by sahara waterproofing. how do they allow self reviews on that site? also, the general public can't see your thread cause you put it in r&r. you might want it to be put in reviews or off topic or something.
  10. i wont comment on the movement's goals or directives (or the seemingly lack thereof) but i do appreciate the movement for its value as an indicator that the zombies will surely rise within our life time. that, and the fact that the collective psyche of those on the other side of the socio-economic curve have reached a point where mass movement is possible. it needs just a few more pointed pushes and we might see an honest to goodness revolution.
  11. Seriously? Did you even read the bolded part? Are you an expert in the field of aerospace like you are in IT?
  12. Sorry whities, it's 검도 lol jay kay, I wiki'd that shit
  13. Have you read this? lol I foresee someone needing to do some reorganizing in this thread soon. It's no fun if we're multi-gang banging. Each gangbangee deserves our full attention.
  14. Hold on, brb, gonna go learn French so I can properly name this mythical morsel worthy only of gods. Maybe some Latin too.
  15. I want a steak stuffed with bacon. Ill come up with a name soon.
  16. Everyone regretted ringo being banned... Don't make the same mistake twice, let the exarch tard-a-thon continue
  17. these bikes are pointless because it doesn't help her finish the laundry any faster. ...kidding, kidding! i meant dishes.
  18. i vote to do it sat night, right after the last session. we will all be starving.
  19. depending on where you look, weather looks better on sat. but sundays are usually a bit less crowded, so it's a crap shoot. gatsby won't be there to entertain everyone with his supercanine dullness, so that won't be a factor.
  20. well, your nipples are, anyway. whoa whoa, wait, why are we always so gay in these threads?
  21. if i was to capitalize "COCK" in cockerspaniel 5 years after i've "grown" from well mannered dog breeder to uncmployed oversexed neck bearded man-child, i fucking well better have that right!
  22. what do you mean, you people?
  23. i thought you needed the money right away for you broken chevy? and here i thought i was helping. this is most hurtful.
  24. haha oh, you i finished drilling the holes on the bolts and crap. the crush washer is on. still havent fixed the plastics lol
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