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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i left the cats for the buffet restaurant owners. i'm not selfish, you know.
  2. the lovely hills of concord township ohio would be the perfect central place lolololol anywhere near downtown or nearby suburbs with a decent garage would be ok i would think? anyone want to volunteer? i just know it takes me an hour to get to whereever it is r1coprophiliac lives.
  3. are we gonna do a fiberglass repair class sometime soon?
  4. jbot

    thank you OR...

    both of you fucks can come over and mow my lawn
  5. yeah, but if he used $2 bills, it would be waaaaaayyyyyyyyy more rare AND full of stripper essence.
  6. So, I've learned how a lot of forum members feel about scooters, and those that ride them. But, I notice that there isn't a sub-forum for scootin' and impacting "big" bike wives' vaginas with our peculiar brand of meat hammer cocks in the "Riding Styles" section. So, and is it safe to assume that the scooter-types aren't wanted here?
  7. i gave out a bunch of these as christmas gifts one year. i was rewarded with at least 1 video of some poor bastard getting taser knuckled
  8. thought you guys might like to see a 70 yr old gangsta doing the business at roebling road. from what i understand, the guy leading the camera bike for most of the race is a 70yr old bad ass on a gen 1 sv650. i stole this video from the motoseries forum (original thread here) skip to about 2:30 mark to see the geriatric baller fly by the camera bike.
  9. this thread makes me miss having a fun "sporty" car. i'll have to buy one before I get married.
  10. which is easier to hide a compact HD camera behind?
  11. any relation with these guys?
  12. honeymoon antics + hostel = gopro gold
  13. words are not enough to express the fresh baller feeling you get from riding a scooter. more priceless is the looks on drivers/riders faces as you rush up behind them, mid corner in hocking hills. less priceless is the angry horns and gestures as they blow by around you going up hill in hocking hills.
  14. whirring is probably not normal. maybe not balanced correctly, air pressure off, forgot to tighten some bolts, etc? take it back to the ponay and have them check their work. or i guess you could check some of that yourself, but i automatically lean to the most lazy option, so ignore me.
  15. sorry the boots didn't end up working out! i hope you got to use the boots a bit at least? when we met up, it seemed like they fit ok. the seller is a very nice guy and is really easy to deal with, in case anybody wanted some feedback.
  16. i dunno guys, i think he has a point. people say really hurtful things about me on here, and sometimes i just cry.
  17. i was oh so proud of hitting really really high 5's there. on my 600. hurtful
  18. You got a scooter????!! Why haven't I seen the nudes yet?
  19. Count yourself lucky for having bought a fantastic bike from one of the coolest people evar Congrats!
  20. I wouldn't want to be a presumptuous bastard... but stop duck footing it and or get to the track.
  21. Happy birthday to my fave dildo walrus !!!11!1!!1!1!1
  22. ginsu is the only brand i trust to cut through my freshly frozen puppy, everytime! to contribute, back when i was looking at fixed knives, i came across this thread on another site: http://www.jerzeedevil.com/forums/showthread.php/103605-Post-your-favorite-fixed-blade-customs/page3 not sure if that helps, but i remember drooling over some of those. never did get a nice fixed one. a few years back, i did buy an ontario knife made ka-bar look-a-like (though, i believe ontario does make some knives for the military).
  23. just posting in this thread to celebrate the new picture tpoppa has for his avatar. It's the Nature Boy, son! and don't you fucking forget it.
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