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Everything posted by jbot

  1. a sad twist... there is a indirect connection to a racer on the wera board. my condolences to the victims families. http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=282928
  2. congrats!!! the first track day is a beautiful thing. terrifying, exhilarating, the world slows down, and at the same time speeds up to impossible levels. every corner, you wonder "how can I POSSIBLY get any lower to the ground without being on my ass?!" and somehow, the next corner, you do... and the next, and again and again and again. and if you hadn't already done it on the street (like a squid boss), the first time the puck hits the ground... everything changes. cause that's when you realize you're literally JUST starting to scratch the surface. welcome to the addiction.
  3. that site is well meaning, but hopelessly burdened with obvious political BS. i'll take from it the parts that are created with sincerity and good intentions.
  4. you're the only one who gets me, maaaaaaaaaan
  5. let he who without sin cast the first stone stone
  6. so did your group man up and hop up and down in unison? haha jaay kaaaaay looks awesome. i need to get back to chicago... haven't been there in a while.
  7. jbot

    2009 Buell 1125CR

    huh... there is a 610 ktm street bike?
  8. jbot

    2009 Buell 1125CR

    yeah, i saw that too. i'm in cbus right now, so i'm thinking about at least checking it out. i'm hearing good things about the place that did the engine work, so maybe no need to worry about the engine's history. KILL WHITEYYYYYY lol
  9. Amazing! Congrats! Here's to another 100k!
  10. Well, with the advent of my recent scooter purchase, it looks like my gf finally has a reason to get her m endorsement. I may be taking the msf with her for moral support sometime this year. Gonna hop on that dual sport again and see what they let me get away with. Should be fun.
  11. i've recently had calf heart. that was damned tasty.
  12. jbot

    2009 Buell 1125CR

    oh yeah, this is sold. Will be selling my 2004 Aprilia RSVR Factory next. Actively on the hunt for a KTM 690 SM/SMC and Husky SM 610 (with FI) please lock this up!
  13. there are lots of DIY out there, and should be able to get a ipod battery (just figure out which gen it is) on ebay or whatnot. i would bet there is an ipod forum that has a nice video of the whole process.
  14. search on supermotojunkie and see what the listings ended at. or adv rider or thumper talk and so on and so forth.
  15. some tips: when you take your class, they'll probably have a dual sport... use it. it is so awesome (well, compared to the other bikes) when you do the quick stop, make sure you have maintenance throttle til you cross the line... then use both front and rear brakes. they like to see the rear lock up a little... at least that's what I was told. again, fun on the dual sport lol make sure you show up early. good luck!
  16. barrack obama thinks handicapped people are funny
  17. i can not, for the life of me, get the tail piece from the track plastics onto my bike (I had been running my OEM plastics back there). time to get a heat gun. ...how easy is it to melt and destroy track plastics with a heat gun?
  18. that poster would look a lot better if jake gyllenhaal was running with scissors instead of the gun. sharp, giant stainless steel scissors, and a bunch of bananas strategically placed all over the ground in front of him. for the second time this year, a youtube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anTKCakehk0
  19. jbot


    well, i wasn't trying to say that the tip over caused the carbs to be plugged up... but it's a common cause of "runnin' rough". so if the cause isn't immediately apparent, like "hey, why is my fuel line all shredded like and hanging off to the side?", and i would assume he would've mentioned any obvious damage in a "HELP ME LOL" thread, then seems like the next thing to do is try to eliminate likely causes. why not start with normal maintenance items?
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