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Everything posted by jbot

  1. these are the flashcards that got me a full ride at OSU (that and just filling out the OSU enrollment application. lol)
  2. what about clutch noise? that doesn't count, right?
  3. i'll probably show up in my 1piece leathers cause i'm a big pansy. i may bring a friend with me and ride in the back of the pack with him and split off every once in a while if i get antsy. this is all dependent on weather, of course (I'd have to ride down from cleveland to attend OSU commencement for some friends). i'll bring the 600rr since i'll probably keep it down in cbus this summer.
  4. definitely could be the case. i didn't do research for this topic... politics discussion on a motorcycle forum is strictly for shits and giggles though. i rofl'd mbao a few times too. lol
  5. awesome! you guys did all the hard work, so please feel free to leave me out of the split for the winnings. I left before all the big points were won. but i'll gladly share in on the glory of being on the winning team! WOOT!
  6. 556 isn't quite as twisty as 536, but it sure is fun.
  7. i guess since he rented them, it must be cheaper since he didn't have to have any security provided, gas is magically free, and he didn't have to take his staff with him. I mean, yeah, if he takes AF1, he HAS to take his staff, but if he RENTS a jet, he doesn't need to take them, doesn't need security, or need to pay for gas anymore. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Wait, what? and i guess since it's just a drop in the bucket of the trillions of dollars being spent to buy massive portions of major companies, it ain't no thang. shit dude, it's just like comparing getting REALLY fucked versus "just the tip"... it's cool! "Just the tip" don't count. "Just the tip" is fashionable, even. also, what part of what we're talking about is anti-government? arguing against shitty spending habits is not anti government. it's called being a citizen who gives a flying fuck. just blindly loving your dear leader is fine and good, but don't expect others to take the balls deep fucking we're receiving with a smile and a wink, even when sometimes, it is "just the tip".
  8. -the tags for this thread read: "crock" and "shit" -the title of this thread reads: "What a crock of shit" (this would indicate that the point of this thread is to point out how crappy what he did is) -the article describes that the president rented several private jets instead of just using air force one (the concept of which, if you need help understanding, is that we already own and pay for air force one no matter what... so when he rents jets instead of just using air force one, that a lot of money spent for no reason other than convenience) -president obama repeatedly has said he wants to cut wasteful spending in summary: 1. president obama says he wants to cut wasteful spending, but wasted money on jets (i think that fits most common definitions for hypocrisy) 2. point of this thread is that this is shitty now, if you want to create a new thread about how awesome it is that he wasted a few dozen grand on jets for convenience and that you're happy to shell out for it, then yes, the point of that particular thread would be that everybody else does it and he's "entitled to it". But then you'd be a fucking dumbass. Good thing you didn't make that thread! whew!
  9. Fool with a capital EFF SON! it's cool. it's to-mato or tom-ato. some people are ok with hypocrisy when it's a president they like/elected. i dislike hypocrisy no matter who it is. i don't scour the internet for every little thing every SOB in a position of power does, and frankly i don't care cause nothing i say or do will convince any other dumbass like me or you to think otherwise.
  10. i was in the team with jeremy and shane and i think it was DJ and his cousin(?) thanks for letting me follow you guys around, very cool group of guys, and good at wheelies too! I bowed out a bit early since I had a party to get to and i was poorly dressed for the ride (one piece leathers = fail when doing digital photo scavenger run around downtown columbus) thanks for the company, and thanks for towing me around! i had fun, hope you guys win! oh and please don't penalize the team cause i left early. i spoke with the lovely registration ladies that i would be leaving early when i signed in. the team will rack up mucho points. and what was up with Mr Crazyface who was on the KTM that knocked the beautiful white/orange gsxr over?
  11. So what do we call you? A dirt squid? A squidbilly? Just kidding! From your post it sounds like you are lucid and coherent and otherwise unhurt so that is good. I want to try riding dirt sometime. I hear people who start in the dirt usually have a much better grasp of the concepts of riding than people who ride purely on the street.
  12. is anyone from the westerville area meeting up to ride to honda northwest saturday morning? if i'm too lazy to get up early for another ride, i might be in for this ride (and maybe split off early since i have to be near powell area before 6pm) i'll be heading out of medallion off of sunbury (a bit north of sunbury/maxtown intersection) pm me or make a new thread to arrange ride out location. i'm sure there are at least a few people riding out of westerville
  13. i for one am not concerned at all that the government has taken the first small midget step towards socialist-ish-ism. i mean, what is one small act of buying massive portions of independent banks to prop them up and taking control over a small company like General Motors? not at all concerned that these are unprecedented and completely unconstitutional actions taken by the federal government with tax payer funds and funds from the magic money making machine. Shit, son, it only cost 5.7 cents per bill to print money in any denomination anyway, so why not?!
  14. jbot

    @that dude

    i shoot cans with mah robocop bb gun replica like you wouldn't bbelieve be afraid bish! bb very afraid!
  15. sweet, it's a repost of a repost i am winnar
  16. jbot

    @that dude

    floundah will put a hole in yo head from like 12 miles away with a silenced rifle, fool! take videos, flounder k thx
  17. feed it some steaks, bitch!
  18. she can cover the clutch, fool!
  19. you can thank me later http://www.wimp.com/sheeplight/ (sorry if repost)
  20. i'm sure there's a fleshlight mod for the gas cap somewhere on the net. lawl
  21. jbot

    @that dude

    gentlemen, i believe the bigger problem here is that "portly" girls call themselves "curvy" girls.
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