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Everything posted by jbot

  1. post updated. who wants to go july 11th weekend?
  2. don't they make doggie leathers? damn squidly dogs
  3. depending on where you guys want to meet. we normally leave bolivar around 9-930am, and get into heart of the sexy roads around 10 or 11ish? we can setup a good meeting place so we can hit the good stuff together. maybe meet around the beallsville area or powhatan point during the late morning/early afternoon? i'll ask the people that know the routes better than i do to see what the schedule will be like and we can coordinate.
  4. you have more bikes than fingers, am i right? that's a hell of a deal!
  5. pending the weather holding up, this will be a fun ride. we should try to get a schedule together and try to make sure the guys coming up from the north can meet up with the cbus group and whoever else wants to join in on the fun.
  6. i was riding with a few people on sat and one of the roads we hit was 536. gravel was pretty much negligible. we also rode 556 and that road did have some gravel here and there, but there is plenty of warning. 556 is usually pretty clear of gravel though so i wouldn't count it out. a few guys from up north might be riding on the 20th (and a bigger group is riding on the 21st) as well, so maybe we'll see you suckas there. i'm going to try to make it for sure.
  7. I had no idea that was even there and I've been livint here since forever.
  8. there were turtles? i just remember the peacock. that was something else. it was a GREAT day to ride, the spotty cloud cover provided just enough shade to keep things cool, and the roads were about as much as you could expect of them (gravel here and there, but not other nasty surprises) this ride was the first time i'd been on 536 since last year (I think) and it is just as good as i remembered. thanks everyone who rode in group 1. we had a good similarly paced group.
  9. lots of talk and nobody going riding hope to see you out there on the road somewhere, kathy
  10. there's barely any chance of rain on our route (10 - 20% according to accuweather and weather underground and that's only during the early afternoon). at worst, we'll get wet when we ride back into cbus. that's just sad see everyone tomorrow morning who didn't pansy out
  11. i'd guess the group meeting at zanesville will want to meet the rest of us from cbus at beallsville diner. the guy leading the ride can chime in here though.
  12. are we still meeting at the calvery chapel regardless of groups? anyone riding from westerville? pm me and we can ride down there at the same time. either way, i'll be on a yellow 600rr with white/grey leathers and white helmet. see ya sat! pray for good weather.
  13. jbot

    The Callout

    that is lol did they copy and paste that from a car forum?
  14. squids are a well documented and chronic problem everywhere. lawl
  15. sounded like her post said she DIDN'T want to make newer riders crash trying to follow her.
  16. i think some crazies at CORE are riding out of bolivar DQ on sunday if you don't get enough hits for sat. otherwise, if you ride far enough south, a few of us will be riding 78 and 536 (and hopefully more) tomorrow out of columbus, but that'll be a mixed ride (as in, not advanced riders only). we'll be in zanesville around 10:15am or so from what i remember of the schedule.
  17. jbot

    Making stuff

    just need to modify the interface to accept currently existing spools (would be very easy), and you might have a bargain winner
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