for a brand new helmet, i like a tight fit, just barely edging on uncomfortable. i haven't bought that many helmets, but from my short experience, the padding breaks in just enough where if it's just a tiny bit too tight from the get go, it breaks in and makes it just right. for example: my second helmet (HJC something or other full face) was a large and it felt very comfortable, almost verging on just a hair loose. After I wore it for a while, it broke in and was starting to bounce around just a bit which is too much. A few helmets later, i picked up a medium arai vector and it fit just a hair too tight, and a few rides later, it is perfect. obviously, it shouldn't be so tight it actually hurts your head to wear (that's a distraction)... but it shouldn't be so loose it starts moving around on you (bouncing vision... a worse distraction). good luck and go try on lots of helmets.