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Everything posted by jbot

  1. it's probably cause you're god hating atheist
  2. tell them your neck and back hurts the more they delay... and that you'll have to start missing work soon.
  3. I can neither confirm nor deny having such naughty items in my possession. But god DAYUM are they fun or what
  4. i want a suppressor friendly bullpup baaaaaaaaad
  5. looks neato, in the way that those superbikes setup for ice racing is neato. just plain neato without any actual desire to purchase.
  6. magz, if i rammed my fist into the UFC girl's face vs her vagina, which would upset you moar?
  7. edited to grandmother. cause she is most DEFINITELY a whore (and hopefully not dead)
  8. also, your grandmother is a whore.
  9. guys, look! it's so cute that the british finally managed built a buell blast. looks like they had to add some displacement for walrii buell was at least gracious enough to crush the blasts they couldn't sell in several years though. hint hint, walrus you should go scrap this already and use part of the proceeds to buy my amazing HK USP compact chambered in 40sw with the amazing LEM trigger instead.
  10. oh walrus, keep talking, all your future for sale threads will be so much better for it. i'm going to rape your spped trrple thread so hard, you're gonna find little strrt trrple thread babies bouncing around in its wake.
  11. this bike is garbage, and it looks like it was painted with crayons. you should probably just take it out back and shoot it with a hi-point. an HK USP compact chambered in 40sw with the amazing LEM trigger would be too good a gun to shoot at this pile of barely running shit.
  12. so it's also true she has a penis?
  13. 40 blow jobs, and it's yours. expect revenge for this treachery.
  14. or we can stick to the thumb-teste/taco-uppercut. your choice.
  15. we can compromise and use liam neeson's judo chop on bitches wanting stitches. not as girly as a slap, but not as harsh looking on video as a right hook to the pie hole.
  16. i will gladly demonstrate to anyone my "thumb to the left testicle uppercut". i want to see if you can stay conscious. then we can have my wife do it to you. i'll have her make the "SHOOOORYUUUKEN" sound and everything. if she pins the testicle against a solid unmoving surface, may god have mercy on your soul. unless you're hollywood or trmn8tr.
  17. is there a particular reason you want to run the SV in the 600SBK? the SV class is pretty competitive. but yeah, i'm sure he'd let you.
  18. i dont understand why you didn't just buy it yourself and bring dat azz out to a motoseries event near you
  19. think of all the zombies we can kill with it... during michigan week.
  20. it wasnt me. why would anyone steal anything out of there? the most festive thing in that beat down POS poop hole was a cyst
  21. surely there is another bar that wont kick us out for being awesome.
  22. Somewhere we can sing, drink and be merry
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