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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot

    2014 Gap trip

  2. i'd like to put together a pistol lower and maaaaaaaaybe a short barrel blackout upper together and eventually SBR it.
  3. if i'm bored and everyone else here is passed out, i might stop out to harass yous
  4. that's a great idear! except, i would suggest running it CCW around the half way mark to get the left side worn in
  5. nah, I'm saying you probably should've kept your jalopy. besides, i sold mine already, and it's still going strong on the track. mine still looks better than yours, even to this day. seriously though, i'm sure you could find a wrecked older i4, possibly even fuel injected for under a grand. for example, earlier this year, there was a kid that brought his recently wrecked gsxr (I think it was an 01) to beaver and was selling it for... i forget how much. it was damn cheap though. i thought it was about a grand, and none of the essentials were broken from what i could see. no reason you couldn't find something like that on CL or similar. i can't see why you couldnt find an old F3 track bike/wrecker and rebuild it. or get yourself hooked up with someone that has a deal license and get a auction bike and fix it up. to keep the price down, you'd have to find a local auction so you save on shipping. just a few ideas.
  6. ew, don't buy that. just buy some old wadded up 600 and be done with it. you know you want to.
  7. jbot

    2014 Gap trip

  8. good on them for making a few bucks, but god people are fucking stupid for buying them.
  9. i supposed his sexy new facial hair mug shot could potentially generate some tents
  10. Because Magdor-Francis is the hero Obama deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a mouthy humorless guardian. A derp-eyed protector. A White Knight.
  11. teddy would have all those milk drinkers gutted and dressed before mid-morning tea time, mother fucker.
  12. i dont understand why you keep pretending like you're not the cum dumpster in the group.
  13. you forgot the complimentary boobie touch for being a good helper
  14. i hope their social media guru comes here to save the day.
  15. oh i guess you didn't realize i was the only one moving. you must have a phhd in phyhsihcs
  16. there is a very large, and well visited "funny videos thread". give it a try, you might like it
  17. backdoor tyranny 2: the gape escape!
  18. all excellent points, especially the last one. just cause you can't handle risking a head on collision at a combined 180 mph, doesn't mean i can't, pussy.
  19. that honda has ~25cc more than my zuma! that's approx 20% bigger displacement. that's like racing your panigale against a 999. besides, that ginger assclown who was riding it isn't a real human being, so that race doesn't count anyway. as for the rest of your post, i agree with some and disagree with some. i generally agree that it would be naive to think the voter ID law wasn't pushed, in some part, to suppress the minority vote. that said, i don't think it's the sole reason. line by line responses to what you believe are facts, in the order you listed them: 1. for all intents and purposes, there are only 2 parties. so 1 out of 2 parties (that matter) support voter id laws. i guess it's a fact, but i don't think that particular fact (although i'm sure a democrat can be found that supported/supports it) has quite the ring to it that you were hoping for. 2. that would make sense., but i'll wait to see where you go with this. 3. sounds like more of a zing than a fact. it could be argued that while the last election didn't seem close, in certain crucial areas, it was. i think it's bullshit, but looking at it from the perspective that a few votes in key places could've changed the outcome, it makes sense to call it a problem. 4. i could make the claim that obama hates magdor because he cracked a joke about special olympics. or, more relevant to this topic, people on social networking saying they voted multiple times. that means all democrats voted multiple times. but it wouldn't be true, and only a fact as it pertains to those people on camera. 5. i agree. it's a stupid law. 6. yes. 7. i'll take your word for it. those 7 lines haven't really swayed me one way or the other, other than that white people are evil, and should be stopped. i agree with most of the rest.
  20. the only thing i read in this post. it will prove to be a fabulous name for a porno.
  21. regarding the "facts", i havent seen many "facts" posted to show that the voter id laws were meant to suppress minority votes... which is about as much (qualitative and quantitative) "facts" that has been posted to support voter id laws actually do any meaningful to deter voter fraud, which is a minuscule problem. the bigger problem is, you're still looking at this from a "my team vs your team perspective". i don't know what you mean by "crazy new gun laws". i said crazy, ineffective gun laws. what response do you need? re-read the hundreds of pages of gun control debates, many of which we've both participated in the past. did you forget about all those? that would make sense since it aligns with your constant flip flopping philosophy. again though, you miss my brilliant, genius, awesomesauce forest for your magdorian trees.
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