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Everything posted by jbot

  1. trmn8tr and i have potentially 2 spots in our luxurious, enclosed trailer open for 2 well qualified travel mates. we will be driving from NE of cleveland, taking 90 to 271 to 71 to 75 through cbus and cinti. if we take my suv, we will be watching "movies" (porn with a plot and or cartoons) and much farting, burping (you must say "burp" while burping) and other bodily functions throughout the trip. qualifications are, but not limited to, as follows: a wonderful singing voice loud/interesting sounding but not terribly smelly farts ability to say "burp" while burping (I can't stress this enough) ability to eat in the car and not get food/drink all over the fucking place, you animals money for gas and other travel expenses, like lap dances, lot lizards, cocaine, etc no gag reflex please submit your resume(s) via pm. thank you for your time
  2. but he is SUCH a jerk you hatin' on track riders, boy? besides, that wasn't even his, he has 2 and a half balls (its kind of looks like a mickey mouse silhouette). i knew right away when i saw the picture.
  3. IP wins the popularity contest, but i'm pretty sure i would've won Miss OR if i was as good looking as he is.
  4. to hate someone like magley's OR persona is silly and non-productive. he is to be pitied and chuckled at. having ridden/hanging out with him through OR back when he was just funny, a bit witty, cooky (with his crazy vehicle/invention ideas), and back then, the most off putting thing about him was a light case of arrogant atheist without the brains to back it up. at some point, though, something changed and he adopted some bastardized form of libertarian ideals (sans actual liberty) and decided to go all WBC on chris kyle. he said lots of things about soldiers that he knew to be completely fucked up and when called out on it, didn't have the cajones to confirm his feelings on the matter with family member(s) who are actively serving the country. he couldn't elbow his way out of that one, unfortunately. pitiful. his greatest contribution to this site now is the amusement provided from reading the prattling of a misguided halfwit.
  5. how does it do with a suppressor, or have you shot it with one attached yet?
  6. exactly i'm planning my future first child's conception around race season. what the hell is wrong with some of you people?
  7. who picks a race weekend to go on vacation? what a weirdo
  8. ITT: a lot of people who love feeling free while riding a motorcycle, and yet abhor and fight against the freedoms and rights that are INHERENT as part of being an American citizen. this mans 2nd and 4th amendment rights were violated (assuming he was, in fact, doing nothing illegal) "why didn't he just produce his papers?" what the hell is wrong with us?
  9. I'll be there. Not sure what races yet. Probably a sprint or two and one of the minis
  10. ohhhhhh you were in the car. now i can stop being a sanctimonious douche. i always wonder if someone did that to me, and as they came over onto me, i would ease up just a bit to line the front of my car with their rear quarter and pit maneuver the fuck out of them. and maybe, i could get them completely sideways and gun it to roll them like a greased manatee, and i would push-roll them down the road like i was trying to free willy. and the whole time, i would scream "OHHHH THE HUGE MANATEEEEEESSSSSSS"
  11. next time, kick the shit out of her door while she comes in on you and when she swerves into you in a scissor flash of fury and rage, and your corpse tumbles under her unshaven under carriage, you'll know you "won".
  12. molest their children in retaliation
  13. jbot

    5/11 Local loop 2p

    if weather holds out, i'm in
  14. my upper body position needs work. thanks for posting those marty.
  15. jbot

    5/11 Local loop 2p

    i'll text you if i can make it, you sandal hater. i might come in sandals.
  16. sportbike track gear or sportbike tire service, riders discount. i also like scouring forums for deals.
  17. i thought you were talking down there personally, I prefer skull fucking right... HI and WELCOME!
  18. i'm trying to understand what sweater puppies has to do with balls, but i got your cabin money, and i already spent it on drugs
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