I've been looking at a GPS for the bike, and went through the "How to Mount" thread and there isn't any info on what GPS are good to use on a bike. It seems that there are really only two that are made specifically for bikes and they are 5x as expensive as car GPS. I think the main reason for this is the waterproof requirements they meet and they also are built to accept vibrations a little bit better. I'm really looking at the Garmin Zumo 550 but I can't bring myself to spend 500 on a GPS. It offers blue tooth hook up. Can hold up to a 4gb SD card to store music on. Has voice commands, which will cut off the music to let you know what street is next. It also has a fuel gauge to let you know when you're getting closer to empty and will re-route you to the closest gas station available. The Tom Tom Rider 2 is another GPS I was looking at but it doesn't seem to get very good reviews for the price. I've also seen the Garmin Zumo 440, and the Quest and Quest 2. One thing the bike specified GPS claim to do is allow for larger buttons and have the touch screen work for the rider wearing gloves. What do you use, or what do you recommend? Is the 500 dollars for a Zumo 550 worth all the money or would something else suffice?