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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Aerik, Ross is getting them, no worries. (I think, I'm just going by CBRGirl's word, and I sent him directions).
  2. I'll be there. The invisible wife might actually make it to this as well, though she does have a concert that night.
  3. If people are seriously making fun of you for for being an orphan/ adopted, they need their fucking teeth shattered with a steel toe boot. If you are too nice of a guy to do so, I'll be happy to do it for you. If you feel like you want to find your parents or other family members, give it a try. I would see what you can accomplish here from the states before I went there. Also, I know your adoptive parents say it's okay, but really make sure that it is, and if you love them and they love you, be very thankful for them. No matter what you find, make sure they know that you will always be their son.
  4. I'm actually not going to make it tomorrow. If somebody near Sawmill wants to stop by my house and grab them, let me know tonight, I still have to chop them apart. I'm a procrastinator.
  5. Ohio to Mt Rushmore seems like a hellava ride for dual sports. Comfy? I could make it there no problem, but truthfully it doesn't interest me that much. I don't really know what the hell I like. One good thing that if and when I do have kids, my wife is a teacher and has summers off. She know if I don't get some alone time here and there I will go insane, I think she would let me get away for a weekend or two, but I don't see a whole week to myself happening again anytime soon. I'm thinking desert or ocean. Complete opposites, but that is how my mind works. The only problem with going west is what you guys are saying, it is boring as hell until you get far west, and don't want to rush to get anywhere. I figured 66 would be much better than 70 through Kansas, which could quite possible be the most boring area in the world. I wish I could do a few more days and make it the coast, I've never been to the pacific. Albuquerque seems about the max distance I can go fairly easily. Even though I know I can make it further, I don't want to be doing 1000 mile days to make it back in time, and I want to feel free to stop and piss around if I feel like it. Canada is out, the last time I went to there or Mexico you didn't passports, so I never bothered, not going to now either. South east/ coastal / FL would be quite enjoyable, but I've done it before in a Jeep. I think it would be a little more cost as well, I don't see being able to camp as much. Very populated as well. Even so, I'm leaning toward this. I dunno. Maybe I'll just flip a coin, and then go the opposite way that it tells me.
  6. Thanks for asking, but yeah, actually I'm better than I have been in years. That is the point of the trip; right now I feel good, have the time, and bit of extra money to do it. Come September, it's back to work on my masters, I work full time, and I have a feeling that in the next year or two my wife and I will have a child. Road trips like this will be few and far between. I just want to take advantage of the freedom I have at this moment.
  7. I hear ya, and trust me, I'll do whatever I want, that is why is a solo ride. I only asked because a lot of folks on here ride long distances, if there is some cool ride or stop that I don't know about that might interest me, it was worth a post and a question. I'm just information gathering at this point. I probably won't decide anything until a few days ahead of time.
  8. I don't mind some twisties, but a highly technical ride is not what I'm looking for, WV will always be there and it's nearby, so I'll skip it on this ride. I guess I just want to get the fuck away from everything, be out on my own and explore. Just want some nice cruising roads with good scenery, little traffic, and a clear mind. Like I said, destination isn't all that important, I'm not going to exhaust myself trying to get to some far off place. This trip is for relaxing.
  9. definitely need more for time for that. Maybe could be done, but wouldn't be enjoyable.
  10. I have decided to take a week off in August and do a solo bike trip(I like being alone, and for this trip, I don't want to have to anything but what I want to do, it's hard to do when you are with others.) I have a few ideas in mind, but I wanted to get some opinions on a nice trip. I'll be leaving on Fri Evening the 14th, and would like to be back late Saturday the 22nd, that way I have the 23rd as a time cushion or a day of rest. That's 8½ days, figured I would head out for 4, then have 4 to get back with a half day extra to play around with. I'm not going to kill myself riding iron butt, I know I can easily do 400 or 500 miles a day, so that will be about my max. I don't want to stress about reaching destinations either, so if one day I only ride 200, or one day I manage 600, cool, no worries. It's more about the adventure to me, not neccessarily reaching points on a map. Here are my 2 trip ideas so far, I'm open to suggestions. 1. Columbus to Albuquerque via old Route 66. Cliched, I know, but it has to be popular for a reason. The route is approx. Columbus >St Louis> Tulsa> Amarillo> Albuquerque. I like the west, have been to a few places, but I have always flown to my destination. I would probably stop a few places along the way and sight see. This one seems like more of an adventure to me. 2. Columbus to Sebring, Florida( Near Orlando). Why? my mom and stepdad have a house there for retirement in a few years. I can go Columbus to Savannah, down the coast and into Florida. I like the ocean, have a place to stay down there and use as home base for some other traveling while I'm there, maybe the Keys. What would you guys do? Any other ideas? I don't want to go Northeast, Michigan/ Wisconsin area is okay, but I would rather go elsewhere. I've considered the Gulf, I love New Orleans.
  11. Bump, I'll give this one more week, and then starting putting a questionnaire together to hopefully get some answers.
  12. Hmm. I have real good luck with the Meguiars spray detailer. I never wash my bike, I just wipe it down and polish it with various goodies. Hoblick's detailing thread has all kind of good tips. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=27363 I learned a lot just reading it, and the bike never looked better.
  13. Carie or some others may still have some, I have 200 each of black, silver, and white ready that I plan on bringing Thursday. I might have some other colors if I get time. $50.00 each, payable to me. just kidding, they are free. I'll even be there with my special tool to install for anyone that wants it professionally done.
  14. +1. I usually park as far away from people as I can, on the bike or in the truck.
  15. skip the gel, you won't them. seriously. Yes, spray glue, just need to research what won't eat it. will work tomorrow may be okay. I get done work at 5:30, you can come here. call first to make sure, 582-1919.

  16. $14. :) go to walmart, get the memory foam pillow that I have a pic of.

    We'll need some sort of glue too, not sure what kind yet. That's all.

    maybe Wed night?

  17. the seat mod is awsome. The ride to Charleston was my first long ride on it, I never even felt a twinge of pain or numbness over 400 miles. There are a few things I would do different, talk to me before you do it. It will only take an hour, I'll help you out.

  18. no, not all. I wouldn't be surprised if the two of you found a dark corner to cuddle in at the next event. don't get too arrogant, I make both of you look like quasimodo.
  19. I would rock that for sure, especially if I had this--
  20. T is one those guys that easy to pick on, huh? Yep, 400 miles Sat, I've done about 1800 since June 20. Maybe 50 of that came from riding to work. Cool thing is, I ended up getting about 175 miles on a tank and still had a half gallon left on Sat. That's almost 60 miles a gallon.
  21. T- if you do something like this, that is pretty cool. Before you get too into this, ask yourself two questions-- 1. Does my wife ever want to ride? I don't see a pillion seat working with something like this. Trust me, if she isn't comfy, she won't ride. Maybe that is a good thing for you though. I ask because I have a friend that bought a sportbike when he was single, now he has girlfriend and she won't ride because it is not comfortable. He wishes he would bought a comfy cruiser now. I also know my wife won't ride for more than hour or so because she gets uncomfortable. 2. Do I plan on riding long distances? I know Lance rides the shit out his springer, but you may not find something like this as comfortable as he finds his. Bags will probably look stupid if you are doing any over-nighters, and I find backpacks bothersome, maybe you don't though. Just some ideas, but it is your bike, do what you want, not what everyone else does or tells you should do. It would be pretty sweet though.
  22. Are the doing the demos this weekend as well? http://www.motohio.com/ The new Thunderbird has me a little interested, wouldn't mind checking it out.
  23. Pics of the ride yesterday. Jagr & recon in Action... The dome... A little OR love... WV memorial statues.... J piddling around... Tom on guard (or sleeping?)...
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