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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. I'm in. I go to Hocking Hills 3-4 times a year and nearly always camp at Top of the Caves. It's usually empty, but I've seen it get pretty crazy at items too.(That may have just been me). They have teepees that you can stay in too.
  2. Welcome. The 1200 C is one of the bikes I'm thinking of purchasing(also the Iron), how do like it? Do you ever ride long distance on it?
  3. Yeah, I know it's a bit small, that's one of my major concerns. I would prefer a 1200, but the Nightster isn't quite the bike I want. I was thinking of maybe doing a conversion to 1200 on the Iron. I've kinda outgrown my Shadow already as well, the more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards keeping the Shadow for one more year and then bumping up to a big twin or maybe the VTX. I know right now I can ride the Shadow 6-8 hours a day on the highway, I've done it several times. Comfort on the Iron is a concern. I wouldn't mind the Triumph America, but its the same size as the Shadow and seems pretty pointless to get. I don't really like the Triumph Rocket. I guess we'll see what happens after I test ride the Iron.
  4. I skimmed through that thread, I think any dealer that may have read that will treat you well now if they know it's you.
  5. Lizard, You don't need to put any effort into it, I was just wanting to know what some others have experienced. I guess if I decide to get it, I'll go in with the mindset that I don't want to pay it. If they don't budge, I'll either walk or bend over and take it if I really want the bike.
  6. My wife is, but she's not a member(or a rider for that matter).
  7. No worries, I meant that sarcastically as well. The internet need a universal sarcasm symbol, it just doesn't come across well in text. Maybe a picture of monkey taking a big dump and saying "lighten up, dude." Maybe there is one and I'm too lame to know it.
  8. My groomsmen really thought I was going to run at this point, they told the caterer to lock the door behind me.
  9. I must have missed the "out the door" thread. What was the big deal? I've heard that my entire life, But I am originally from the Eastern Ohio/ Wheeling/ Pittsburgh area. And Jrmmiii, no chrome for this rider, that's why I like the Iron. I've been wanting to black out my Shadow since I bought it, it's got tons of chrome and I hate freakin' cleaning it. No chaps either.
  10. Here is me looking very happy at my wedding. I'm glad everyone is posting pics, it's nice to see who we are talking with.
  11. Welcome, Nice 'stang. I miss mine(02 GT), but got married and bought a house and its not very practical to go Lowe's in a Mustang.
  12. I'm really digging the new HD Iron 883 and thinking of selling my Shadow and buying it. I'm going over finances and trying to figure out the total cost of the new bike and noticed that most Harley dealers charge a freight cost. I bought the Shadow used so I didn't deal that, but is that pretty typical on a new bike? Do most dealers in Ohio charge a freight cost on a new bike, or is that a Harley thing? I would think of all the bikes, the freight on a HD wold be the least. I can tolerate taxes and some dealer paperwork, but freight charges just gets me angry. They have to get the bike to the dealer regardless or they'll never sell it, right? Let me know what some of you have experienced.
  13. ride with, ride with! I just got that.
  14. Dude, get whatever boots that you like, as long as you feel comfortable and safe in them, that's what matters. Any good leather boot has got to be better than wearing flip flops, that's a no-no.
  15. If it's available in your area, go Wide Open West. I've had them, Time Warner, and AT&T and Illnever again give another dime to TW or AT&T if I can avoid it. They both have the worst customer service. When I had Time Warner, my cable/ internet would go out for at least an hour every day, and my cable boxes would crash 2 or 3 times a day. A bunch of trips by service techs and 6 months later, still not working. This was happening at a few of my neighbor's houses as well. They finally fixed it when I told them I was switching to WOW, but I still switched and have never had a problem with WOW.
  16. I'm originally from eastern Ohio, and there are few restaurants that originated there that have since migrated to Columbus. If you like hot dogs, go to Gulla's in Delaware http://www.gullashotdogs.com/ These are known throughout the Wheeling area. If you like pizza, check out DiCarlos, there is one on Tuttle and one in Hilliard, I'm not sure where. I bet is like nothing you've ever had before. It sure as hell isn't all of these Donato's clones we have. It's square and the cheese is not melted. Yes, you read that correctly, cold cheese, and it is as addictive as crack. http://www.dicarlospizza.com/locations.cfm If you like East of Chicago pizza or any other deep dish, check out Defelice Brothers. It is freakin' awesome. It's over near Livingston and Brice. http://www.defelicebrospizza.com/index-2.html
  17. I know what you mean. I almost pulled the bike out over the weekend until I looked out in my neighborhood and the saw the streets looked like logging roads with all the ice still them.

    sure. I bet if we plan a meet-up at the beginning of march a bunch of people will be ready. We could up at kickstand or something. I'm more of a highway rider rather than twisties, I ride not to think so damn much.

  18. That is a giant rolling turd. It looks like it needs a generic action figure attached to it and needs someone to pull it backwards to rev it up.
  19. Sure, I'll try to make it when it warms up. I freakin hate cold weather.

    Be nice to meet a couple new riders. I'll get my buddy with a gixxer to join us, he's itching to ride as well.

    The Shadow might be gone by then, I'm seriously thinking of picking up one the new HD Iron 883's.

    That bike is screaming my name. I love black and was half tempted to black powdercoat my bike.

    I'm going to check it out at the show this week and see how it feels, and then hopefully I swing the purchase.

  20. yep, followed your advice.

  21. I'm going Saturday at 10 am with a few buds, If anyone wants to meet, I'll be the one with the black leather coat on. I'm still up for meeting, especially anyone with Shadows. I'm thinking of crossing over though, that new HD Iron 883 is calling my name. I love all that black.
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