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Everything posted by TopLeft

  1. TopLeft

    Gun Safes

    The Lincoln is about the largest I think I can get up the stairs, otherwise it would be larger. (heavy sigh)
  2. TopLeft

    Gun Safes

    All, I'm looking for input and experience with gun safes. As it stands right now with my research, I'm leaning towards the Liberty Lincoln 25 model with a couple options. Size is the major influence as it'll be navigated up stairs to 2nd floor and placed on base to distribute the weight. Shy of that, feel free to post away advice, and thanks...
  3. When you can, take it diving! A color correcting filter will help. BTW, nice job with the turtle shot!
  4. I like him also. But "2%"? Seems quite low unless I'm missing all the impacts...
  5. Anybody have experience with either round? I've read what I think is all available on web. I'm looking to option out a new Glock 21.
  6. Can't seem to sync the camera with the u/w housing I want. Grr! Now to wait again to see if accessories fit...
  7. "Mainly under water type stuff." Only viable option for diving. Especially with the new GG housing for increased depths.
  8. While visiting friend in Florida, I was able to look over, but not shoot!, his HK MR762A1...(drool)
  9. TopLeft

    Suggested Cfp

    With the major decision needed by the end of October (and no I didn't procrastinate, we just became aware of this change recently!) I need to meet with a certified financial planner in the central Ohio area. Honda has given me two options: continue with a modified pension (coupled with early retirement credits) or opt for an increase (company side) in 401k contribution and no further pension. All my pension through December 31 this year is secured, just the decision on future growth. No decision by me results in default of option 2 so that is obviously better for the company as a whole, but may not be better for each associate depending on age, planned retirement age, etc. I understand this is a paid service, but want suggestions on who to see. I also plan on seeking input from at least 2 professionals for comparison. For those stronger in this area than myself, I can answer questions if you'll be able to draw conclusions with the choice or offer opinions I didn't think of. Thanks in advance.
  10. Agreed. For several years we've had a pair at Highbanks, but apparently this year the chicks didn't make it.
  11. No details yet. All be careful please. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/09/02/columbus-motorcyclist-killed-in-crash.html
  12. I too work a very odd schedule at Honda, so I respect the situation with annoying calls that use to wake me up until I employed a different solution. All businesses (doctor's offices, retail stores, Red Cross, even work itself!) get my home number that has ringer off 99% of the time. Only friends & family have my cell and there I have the 2nd defense: "Do not disturb" setting on iPhone. Uninterrupted sleep is crucial...
  13. Outstanding visual, wow!
  14. Freely admit, I like the manner and choice words one of his attorneys used to blame what is arguably the most vile of "the two systems" that failed Zimmerman: media.
  15. Gift for myself: Gen 4 model 35 with 5 magazines! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. And I was just looking at the Beretta A400.
  17. Looking for ideas to reward myself for upgrading my NRA membership. (signature below!) Looking at S&W 617 and M4...
  18. Can't speak for Toyotas, but Hondas require off-board computer to sync VIN (and MTOC data) to the fob, at least for initial writing at manufacturing plant. Best of luck for that sequence to work, it would be impressive and convenient for consumers!
  19. Lol Guess I earned that. Very few 380s feel even somewhat comfortable to me & he owed me some money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Just arrived! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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