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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. omfg! its like you saw this shit comin!!!
  2. schmuckgirl! I hope you feel bad! (not really though, cuz that would be a silly thing to tear yourself up about)
  3. i phink you're mistaken... that looks like a single headlight and the seat isn't a two piece stepped seat.
  4. keep this state of mind throughout all life's activities. Seriously, not only will it make you seem like the bigger and better person, but its true so it'll make you feel better any time I'm out riding and someone does something to piss me off I make fun of them. Yeah, its just me laughing in my helmet all to myself.. but it makes me happy. "that guy really needs to get laid" "watch out, PMS bitch needs to get home to the heavy tampons" "like oh my god, she needs to get home to watch bret on Rock of Love" ... I think you get the idea. fucked up? totally. Awesome? absolutely.
  5. the hate in this thread makes me giggle with glee
  6. you did check to see that it wasn't in the bike, right? jacket pocket? check around your helmet, gloves, etc... just tryin to think of the places I leave it. are you sure its not in a pocket? my friend lost her key last weekend after I had watched her put it in her pocket.. "are you sure its not in your pocket?" "yes I'm sure! I just checked" ... 5 minutes of looking ... "found it! .... it was just really deep in my pocket" urgh!
  7. hell yeah! my little guy was 3/3 today! I also got some crazy healing potion at some point
  8. if not I'll take it off your hands
  9. i use my turn off button all the time... oh yeah, and i just kicked your brute's ass for yellin about me using my turn off button http://wrillo.mybrute.com/fight/244686213
  10. awww screw it.. I was gonna make a joke but it was takin way too much effort
  11. quick disconnects are easy.. its the quick reconnects that you gotta work on
  12. wrillo

    No caption

    From the album: Random Posts

  13. 19 days, 10 hours, and 42 minutes... its not that close
  14. ouch! ^^^ ditched the date via message board!
  15. averaging two posts a year! whooo! haha I'll assume you lost your post count in the huge server crash I keep hearing about. You girls know you're more than welcome to join the fun
  16. woot! my riding lawn mower will seriously pull a wheelie in first gear.. but you gotta be on pavement. can't get her up in the grass
  17. so you say this is a code yellow?
  18. I'm so confused, did you just use HD and track in the same sentence?
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