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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. wrillo

    I'm poor!

    I want to take a summer class this summer quarter at WSU, but its some $1100 to take! My finaid covers the 3 quarter school year fine, but if I request finaid for the summer quarter they don't give you any more monies. They just spread the 3 quarter amount over 4 quarters, so it'd make it hard for me (financially) next year. So much for trying to be an overachiever... /rant Paypal all of your disposable income to me! please? /all
  2. where are you, cleveland? thats much too much riding just to spank a buell
  3. I <3 Oliver Wendell Holmes
  4. Some* people really shouldn't be able to reproduce. *most A friend and I were actually joking around about this the other day. What if certain crimes or child abuse/neglect landed you sterility courteous the government? I would put it up there with corporal punishment, life sentences and the like, but wouldn't it be hilarious to see these people told they're too stupid to reproduce? sadly nothing in government works the way it was intended, so I wouldn't even vote for this... but I still think it would be useful in some cases
  5. she seems like a smart chick, I doubt she is paying a whole lot to go to school? I bet its the opposite in fact, how much they payin you to go to school osumj?
  6. wrillo

    Obetz Bikers

    I'm surprised the department lets him ride like that... don't OHP have to be geared up on their bikes?
  7. ^^^ wtf? wow absolutely not, and its awesome
  8. wrillo


    first thing I thought. congrats!
  9. did the same thing to me the other day, that dude ^^
  10. wrillo


    why advertise (ie waste space) if no one notices it?
  11. can someone fill me in? I don't know who that is.. I assume there is a CC clip I need to watch?
  12. gas station or some fast food rest room... I think thats what he was getting at. Personally I would ride, but my hair is 1/8 of an inch long so it doesn't mess and I wouldn't fuss too much about the shirt having a wrinkle or two
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