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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. wtf? I didn't get 3 new fights today
  2. I think HeeHaw thinks the retard is behind the camera, however I'm not sure. Could you clear this up for us HeeHaw?
  3. says the guy who started this thread
  4. I messed you up Nick watch: http://wrillo.mybrute.com/fight/195981333
  5. I thought I noticed someone at level 8... forget who and I can't check cuz its down
  6. anyone level 10 yet? make an OR clan
  7. wrillo

    No caption

    From the album: Random Posts

  8. hahaha! Jarvis, watch our second fight! Its hilariously close! http://wrillo.mybrute.com/fight/190956441
  9. I would drop this girl like a bad habit! Cold turkey dude A lot of girls (too many, in fact) have this flawed way of thinking. I have a theory on this, but its complicated. Lets just say the theory revolves around the fact that every girl out there has some dude that is and always has been ...Thus girl gets a big head Look, I'm sure you're a great guy and you're a catch. Trust me. There are sooo many losers out there its not funny. So why don't you think about yourself in that regard? If you really want to stay with her, then now is the time to play hard to get. She obviously wants to be with you but is getting selfish. Make her work for it a little and she'll learn to appreciate and respect you and your opinions.
  10. I have/use mine, but then again I'm not a sortbiker or a racer
  11. ^^^^ Okay, why did you post a picture of a shopped out plate?
  12. this serious? ... I like you more and more. Have any sisters? lol
  13. I'm guessing some dude named Nick thats ninja like... black sneaky kinda ninja, not the green ninja
  14. first person to level 10 make an OR clan! lol
  15. ummm if it wasn't obvious... http://ninjanick.mybrute.com
  16. I agree that not everyone should own a pit, or any dog for that matter. How do we fix this problem though? Killing them isn't the answer, and banning everyone from owning them isn't either. Would you propose a dog-competency test before owning? Or should we require the potential owners to take a dog handling class? No one charged with a felony can own one? This is a case where there is no correct answer, but many incorrect ones.
  17. wrillo

    New Guy

    hi, welcome, & stop posting gross bewbies
  18. this fuggin guy everoblivion2005 JRMMiii I'm not trying to be serious. just an ass, because when dealing with extremes you have to be... extreme. Killing all of a particular breed of dog is CrAzY. I love my pit and she has never bitten anyone.
  19. I'm not too worried about it. edit: plus I was trying to be abrasive in that post. If you didn't believe it for a sec/couple more posts then it wouldn't have made my point as effectively.. I'm updating my sig now...
  20. There is no motion blur on this guys tires! hes not movin' edit: ouch, neg rep for this post? Of all my recent posts, this one? Its not my fault gixxas are so slow you need to photoshop your motion blur!
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