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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. sorry to thread jack, but I found this on his website also... this guy draggin pipe?
  2. wrillo

    draggin pipe

    From the album: Random Posts

  3. it isn't because it can't be done, its because it has questionable ethics so we don't do it. one way it IS done is genetic profiling for sperm donors... It was being said that with the work done on the genome project people would be able to pick specific traits for children. again, questionable ethics has stopped it in its tracks
  4. just to keep it clear, I don't actually think that. I'm just trying to show how ridiculous it is to stereotype to a level that says "All 'X' should die"
  5. bullshit. it fits perfectly. biting people = doggy crime
  6. This is just a retarded way of thinking, and race doesn't qualify as "breeds" of humans? Last time I checked it did, we just call it something different. Breed = different color, size, character traits Race = ? See what I'm getting at? With that said, black people have a gross over-representation in crime stats (and sucking at life in general). I'd like to kill all blacks
  7. FYI: 6/6 is the OR anniversary party/ride, so thats probably a bad day. I'd be up for the 23rd though
  8. thats what he did... I already got on him about it in post #10
  9. also see:http://www.melissaparis.com/
  10. I'd show up again, maybe even dyno if I don't lose all my money in poker the weekend before
  11. +me definitely for the ride, maybe for the party.
  12. post counts should jump from 665 to 667
  13. just don't go to work tomorrow! They can't let you go if you're not there! Show up Thursday like nothing happened
  14. my birds: Charlie and Benny
  15. pics of her? shes a cutie:
  16. Yeah! He loves you and always forgives! .. but you should fear him, and ask for forgiveness before you die, because he suddenly turns into a judgmental asshole after you're dead. just remember he loves you, thats all that counts
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