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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. for those that didn't read into my first post I meant "gun control" as in accuracy of shooting. The only proper use of the phrase I've been telling Casptan we need sarcasm tags
  2. you STFU! your avatar sucks and your mom is a fat cunt!
  3. Take your HDD to a friends house & put it in their computer? I would offer to come to you and help but thats a bit far. I'd do it if you paid for gas on the bike ($10) I have a Ubuntu Live CD, Ultimate Boot CD for Windows (UBCD), and a Ubuntu Live USB... I used to be in IT... anyway, any of these tools will make boot your computer into a usable state so we could fix it. How old is the computer?
  4. another reason for gun control! gosh, if he'd been trained not to hold his weapon like a gangster he would have done us 2 favors!
  5. voted.. as for the "rigging"... Dallie is second place and she doesn't even have decent pictures up! Her pics use 1/4 of the space provided
  6. what the fuck just happened?
  7. holy shit! I hope that history is a fake!
  8. its this thread here, I just sent a PM to the OP linking him to this thread http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=26070&highlight=stolen+white+truck
  9. its been done before on cars... its just not practical enough to implement
  10. wrillo

    The fury

    what color is it?
  11. it started raining as I was reading this thread rain rain go away, stay that way every day
  12. me too and its always the perfect excuse too! "What you want me to whip out my phone while I'm riding?!" Even the girly-girl can't argue with that one! As I tell people, my cell phone is there for me to call people whenever I want... not so that people can call me whenever they want
  13. 4DAIVI PAI2K5 & R6warpspeed : did you guys purposely sync the gayness of avatars, or did the homo sneak up on you?
  14. ... take that in the most literal sense possible, and you know what Nick does in his free time
  15. well you can't bump your own intro thread, that'd just be weird... oh, wait.. oops
  16. oh look! my intro thread!
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