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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. wrillo


    oh they do, and they know how to use them
  2. tar is even worse because it can extend more than the 4-5 foot painted lines!
  3. In case you guys that don't ride in the rain get stuck in the rain, the lines on the road get slippery when wet! It was kinda scary! I didn't know they were that slippery! Enough to move my tires around a bit! Careful out there!
  4. ah ha! so you don't deny it then? I don't know about you riding my rear end
  5. hey James, if you copy and paste the http://i624.photobucket.com/albums/tt326/name_this_bike/2.jpg''>http://i624.photobucket.com/albums/tt326/name_this_bike/2.jpg' alt='2.jpg'> to do that I put [ IMG]http://i624.photobucket.com/albums/tt326/name_this_bike/2.jpg[/img ] (without the spaces between the [] brackets and IMG
  6. I'm in, up and down for this. This weekend is going to be amazing weather.
  7. I'm thinking that the guy running is at fault, and will be found at fault. Hell, I remember hearing a story about someone riding a bike down the highway at triple digits. A LEO spotted him and starting chasing, loses control of his car and dies. Another LEO stops him down the road and he gets charged with the death of the officer. The biker didn't even see the first officer. I don't see any defence in the world that would get this guy off.
  8. i was wondering why I75S was closed, thanks for posting! It was still closed when I was passing on I75N around 10:15
  9. Just to add my two cents about breaking in, I believe you should break it in as the manufacturer suggests. Since you are only breaking in the engine this doesn't apply to you, but generally speaking for future reference, when you have a brand new bike you're breaking in more than just the engine. You're simultaneously breaking in the tires, tranny, engine, and generally testing the bike out for full functionality. So does it make sense to take it easy? Absolutely! I know when I was breaking in my bike it gave me a few false neutrals, and it was completely random! Now what if you're floggin' your new machine and you get a false neutral, you free rev the piss out of it while god knows what is going on in your gear box, and then your engine blows from being over-revved because it isn't even broken in yet. So I broke mine in nice & easy
  10. So that means someone knew he had a lot to drink, then let him get on the bike and leave? If that was a bartender that could mean serious shit, if it were his "friends" then he needs some new ones.
  11. I ride my bike everywhere. I already have over 8000 miles on my bike. So its a little more of an issue for me
  12. I disagree with the G Carlin quote. Children are like playdoh and to complete the analogy adults are rock. There is much dispute about when this change occurs, but I honestly believe it. I have faith in kids to change, adults not so much
  13. up yours momma don't knock it til you try it mang!
  14. That could be a lotta fun cause only one of two things are gonna happen. He'll say yes, and you'll know he is lying, or he'll say no, and you can make him feel like a tard for sitting on someone else's bike... hmmmmm... [mr. burns voice] exxcellent
  15. Well thats the thing, I feel like it would be appropriate to chew someone out for it. Expanding on my above post though, a lot of people are ignorant of bikes and bike culture if they don't own one. I was guilty myself! I never realized how much I'd care for a stupid hunk of metal til I rode her
  16. yeah... but there are a lot of things those freaking muggles don't know about bikes
  17. I'm a little too conservative for that, like I said I actually like kids and want to be a good parent oh yeah, and I'm not homo
  18. woot! I used it to post a xkcd comic, cause the alt text is half the jokee http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=25051
  19. haha... either way she sounds like she likes kids Nothing wrong with that though.. I love kids, and want them... now women on the other hand... well I think you know where that is going, but I can't have one without the other
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