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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Riding up front was a blast, now I wouldn't have it any other way! You can move that freakin 14, holy hell!!

  2. Thanks man! The F4i is hella nice! You did a nice job of throwing it around too!

  3. but they're good pictures of everyone on their bikes, so thanks! oh and Jarvis, you do look really funny! and I think you're on the wrong side of the road... did you have to resist the temptation of slinging mud?
  4. its not likely that you'll get anyone to repair it for you. You'll probably have to do it yourself if its going to be done. Just another word of caution: there is a reason no one will do it for you, so take that into consideration if you're going to repair it. You might be able to get a shop to unmount then remount later, after you repair it yourself. To save a trip and $$$, you can probably unmount the tire yourself. Just do a search for DIY tire mounting, etc... With that said, I've plugged a tire before with success
  5. Those weren't new prices... he got them second hand off of ebay. They look pretty solid in person.. but thanks for lookin out guys!
  6. well yeah.. I say somethin like that...
  7. oh, I'm referring to chasing girls at the playground in grade school, games are for kids... right?
  8. so wheres your picture damnit?
  9. I don't play games any more... I tell dem bitches to hit the road runnin
  10. .... and you wonder why so many gay jokes are directed towards you
  11. Yeah, sorry... I mis-read your post at 1am the night before... I'm a tard sometimes
  12. I guess I'll just agree to disagree here, again: I'm not trying to bash... but I've never wrecked a bike. I've only been riding 3 years, but most people wreck within the first. It doesn't have to be that way. The idea of getting bored on a 600 seems silly to me. What year ZZR were you riding? If it was the old ZZR, then yeah I could see you getting bored of that. However if its the same generation as mine (2005-2008), then there is no way! (I might be a little biased) I'm not against starting on a 600, I did so myself on a 98 honda F3. To suggest starting on something bigger though, thats just silly. In fact, I'm convinced I will never want a sportbike bigger than a 600
  13. holy shit! If thats a real ignition modual, I NEED one!
  14. depends where they started. if they started in the back where the spinal cord connects then I'd say he felt very few
  15. goes to show you have to be careful what you ask for
  16. you'd rather ride around some cones in a parking lot than take some real twisties with other bikes?
  17. nah.. "motorcycle gang" is the least amount of explainin' there is.. plus they dont' know if you're serious or not, so they don't ask a whole lotta questions
  18. holy break in the post time continuum!! first post thread revival with bad advice! Okay seriously though, 175lb and you wouldn't consider anything smaller than a 750? You're nuts. I'm 180lbs and I have yet to exceed the performance limits of my 600 wait.. what? join date Jul 2007? wtf?
  19. If he gets it friday he can have it broken in by sunday. I'm pretty sure I did ~250 miles/day the first two days I had my bike
  20. I don't even know the guy
  21. The news article said: legally drunk is the phrase they use when BAC is at or damn near the limit. I doubt he was "wasted"
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