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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. ... or kick it over.. no it doesn't open, so I can't yell out the window in old man voice "darn kids get off my parking spot!"
  2. So I rode into work today, and every time I do I park my bike right outside the window of my office. I work on the second floor, but having my bike in my sight all day makes me feel better about it. There is very little foot traffic through our parking lot, but occasionally people do go by and a lot of people check out the bike. Well just a couple minutes ago someone walked up to my bike with a stride that would have made you think he owned it. He just stopped and looked at it but at one point I could tell he considered sitting on it. Then I got to thinking, what would I do if he did? I'm on the second floor, so it'd take me a minute to get down there. Then I'd have to as nicely as possible ask him not to sit on the bike, but I feel like that might make me seem like a dick no matter my demeanor. So where do you guys draw the line? What do you do to keep people from messing with your bike when you're not with it? and how would you handle catching someone sitting on your bike? When is it appropriate to say "hey, get the f* off my bike" Obviously there are proximity alarms... but they're kinda $$$
  3. errrr... wait. Now how do reference the images in my photo albums? If I click the camera icon it opens my album for me, but it inserts the image & not the tag itself. So I can't modify it... so if I want to type it out myself it'll be [ imgalt=path to album]alt text[ /imgalt] but what path do I use?
  4. In wrestling thats call "checking the oil".. and its very illegal. I punched a guy out once for it once. I got disqualified for it, but once I told them what he did I didn't get in any trouble
  5. what an immature douche! Just another thing to add to your craigslist post about his scam
  6. I'd have voted for hookers also if I could, but I voted HJC. A lot of what the expensive helmets offer is really good style, but you're just lookin at black helmets so whats the brand matter? I'd say go for low cost
  7. wow.. I didn't realize how aggressive those mo fos look! again, really nice man!
  8. wrillo

    New Car

    Rehosted on OR
  9. wrillo

    New Car

    This is from the www.xkcd.com comic strip. Its a nerdy strip written by an engineer, and I love it. Anyway, the comic: protip: mouseover xkcd comics
  10. oooooooooo pretty. Is it lowered?
  11. I told you all OR threads go a lil homo
  12. Good idea, I'd use his exact title too if possible ATTN:POWDER YOUR WHEELS $100 each includes BLASTING & DISMOUNT/MOUNT TIRES or SCAM: or WARNING: ... I think I like "scam"
  13. haha! the power of the interwebs love it
  14. that and the knowledge that they can beat you. my friends don't start crap with me because they know they'll get an ass kickin' (I'm not an ass kickin machine, my friends are just really weak )
  15. that vid is crazy! I didn't know that could even happen! You'd think they would make the huge tank of fuel between our legs damn near indestructible
  16. wrillo

    save yourselves

    no need to apologize... and I'm sorry if you thought I was directing that stupid comment at you! I was definitely talking about the website! It is kinda funny, but because its so damn stupid
  17. Why haven't you taken him to small claims court? You could hit him up for interest, court associated costs, etc. I know its only $200, but thats your $200! Have you reported to BBB? Does he only take cash? Did you get a receipt from him? I'd bet he isn't keep up with small business taxes, I'd tip the IRS off on him too! Do more than you have man! edit: did you get your wheels back?
  18. holy thread revival!! You've been dicking with this guy since last summer?!
  19. wrillo

    save yourselves

    Is it me or is this spring weather bringing all the stoopid ones out of the walls? jesus! OT: I didn't know anyone still made all flash websites, that was the slowest shit I've experienced since 56K modems
  20. Someone is dying to be a mommy! but I agree with you. As a kid my parents used the same method of guilt inducing punishment and I don't think I turned out that bad
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