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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. where are the rest of the pictures? this can't be all of them!
  2. Those 500 wheels look good, that rear on the 1300 are is tho!
  3. ... its like I can see the future, isn't it?
  4. vista is fine... all the problems people were reporting have been taken care of so much in fact that windows 7 is based on vista
  5. So.. is it a good story to share?
  6. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but are you sure you didn't burn up the rings when you were revving the piss out of it? I don't know your situation at all and this shop sounds shady, but just make you aren't giving a shop hell (and a bad rep) for your boo boo. Sounds like you got dicked, but I sure hope you're right. Otherwise you're gonna have a lotta apologizing to do. With that said, good luck! I hope you don't get the short end of the stick on this. If you do, you're in the right spot. Not paying for labor can save you a lot of $$$, and there are plenty of people that are willing to help you out if you buy the parts (myself included).
  7. hey Nick, don't wait for me in Kettering... not sure where I'm going to meet up with you guys, I might have to just ride out solo... shit going on
  8. I was gonna post the same thing, its gonna be cold at 10am tomorrow!! WTH are you still doing up at 2:30? lol... I just got done changing my oil and cleaning the chain... I forgot to take my sleeping meds.... oops
  9. i knew it was expensive when I was buying it, but like I said it was the only reputable place I could get to in time. I'm sure it works, but I'm kinda on the fence when it comes to using truck oil in my bike
  10. better yet, after I said that he told me that it sells by the liter, so its a little more than a quart... yeah 0.056 quarts more!!! whooo!!!!
  11. thats what I said! When he told me how much I laughed and said "thats a little steep!" oh well! At least I know my baby is being taken care of or so thats what I tell myself to make me feel better
  12. So I bought some (fucking expensive ass) oil today called Spectro Golden 4. I went to the only dealer I could get to before closing time, which isn't the one from which I bought my bike. They recommended it... It a semi-synthetic blend, what is it? is it good? at $10.50/liter is it going to leave my cylinder walls lined with gold? anyone hear of it?
  13. if the cones are too tightly spaced together, I heard its easier to do on one wheel
  14. hey.. its first come first served bitches! I forgot to tell them I need a medium shirt... oh... and look at that, you've requested a medium to be held in your name
  15. wrillo

    4-4 ride

    hey man, you're riding and thats all that counts. I take you don't have the duc anymore? That'd be a nice ride to show up on
  16. if it wasn't for those headlights... I'd be in love with a motorcycle. With that said, I REALLY like it
  17. firefox won't keep you logged into those websites.. firefox can only remember the passwords for you, so when you're prompted for credentials it auto fills cookies keep you logged into those sites. Try deleting your cookies, then when you re-login make sure that you select any "keep me logged in on this computer" boxes
  18. biff it? go down? I didn't see anyone draggin ass.. couple good shots though!
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