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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. I like it too.. but for the classic map you have to get a score of 7.5 billion just to make it in the top 2000 scores!! My best was the one I posted of 5 billion and some
  2. yeah I know what you're saying about the sarcasm.. new rule, all sarcasm needs to be in italics I just got asked to remove my sig about posting bikes for sale because my sarcasm wasn't clear enough for whodey
  3. vw151, I would just ignore todd. He is a __edited (be creative)___ and is just trying to get a rise out of you. Search the forum. Thats all he does, rarely does he have anything of value to add to conversations. I too would pay an additional $20 to see the photos before I bought them, so good on you for causing change. You got want you wanted at a reasonable price and you might have helped bring Kirk more business. I call that a win win
  4. hey zach! ... you spelled photo wrong... Bike looks good! Now if only there were a way to black out those rotors
  5. Also note that like fusion said shin splints are an over use injury. So if you're just starting to get back into running take it slow and easy, then build yourself up
  6. wrillo

    OR - Dayton

    i so confused
  7. anyone figure out if this fucking ends!? jeeeebus! I was playing forever! for those that can't see it.. thats Kills 4771 Shots 380790 Spend 1140510 Score 5,441,373,210 I win! :grin:
  8. and I agree with you 100% on that
  9. The travel is on the other end on some bikes, thats why I said the system was similar. I still have to disagree about them moving independently. I edited my image above to draw in the axle. Maybe it is more clear now? but with the axle on the other end holding both blue shafts parallel w.r.t. eachother and perpendicular w.r.t the axle itself (and the triple), I'm certain its impossible for one to compress more than the other edit: oh, to address your uneven tire wear issue. Even in this configuration it is still possible for one fork to exert more force on the tire than the other fork. For example, like I said before if one has a stiffer spring, that spring will hold more of the weight. Even if there was only 1 spring on 1 side of the bike, they would still move together until stuff started bending. someone please prove me wrong if I am so I don't continue to make an ass of myself (& confuse poeple) if I am just thinking about this wrong.
  10. THANKS! anyone else? I don't have herpes or anything, its okay to share
  11. me too! .. assuming my POS truck is still alive then! lol
  12. To clearify what Lizard said, the forks act together on the triple, and it keeps them the same length. Now the one with a stiffer spring (or more oil, thicker oil, etc) may be taking on more of the bike's weight, but it would take something bending/twisting for the bike to pull to one side or the other because they act as one system. Your mental experiment is flawed. Consider this system: This is similar to the forks on a bike. To assist the visualization, image that the black object can slide up and down the blue pipes while the blue pipes stay stationary. The forks act in a similar way. Now back to the visualization, try to slide one side of the black object further than the other. It wont happen, because it pulls the other side with it. Now pretend that the black object is two forks connected by a triple. For your experiment to work, you would have to force your metal bar to always be perpendicular to the two springs is that clear? (I have to ask because I think a little... "differently" sometimes, )
  13. I'll be there, and I believe everoblivion2005 is coming too. I'll either bring a potato dish or a guacamole dip or both?
  14. pretty much... this past winter I had a 4x4 s10 and it was AWESOME! I liked the 4x4 because at first the rear would kick out then if I kept on it the front would pull the rear back in line.. advantages of rwd & fwd in one! it was sooo fun
  15. another vote for the weekend! ride + hangout after sounds awesome
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