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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. that video was terrible.. did you really have to make me watch it 3 times? I kept hoping the videos would get better...
  2. You should be able to tell if its leaking that much oil, just look at the bike. Is there oil all over the bottom of it? Like it was said in the smoke thread, are you sure that smoke didn't have a blue tint to it?
  3. and if it was warmed up then it was probably "clearing its throat", or bad gas
  4. hmmm thats awesome. I'm just trying to weigh the + and - of doing something like this or paying for track days with the zizzer
  5. So you haven't been able to recreate the problem? what are you so damn worried about then?
  6. Cool! So it looks like the NSR is the platform to go with? What are typical track day costs? is $15 typical? and what do tires run you? what is the class structure?
  7. awesome! I've become a huge fan of these types of photos since a friend of mine got a camera that does it real time! its saweet!
  8. charging system is fine... must be the battery... edit: wait a min.. should he be losing 2.6V through the harness? what are typical drops through the harness? if no one else knows I can get back to you tonight after I test it on my bike
  9. Okay, yeah I was reading about 5.56 and .223 and why it was safe to use .223 in 5.56 but not the other way around. So, because the .308 produces higher pressure 5.56 is safe in a .308 but not necessarily the other way around? oh and what is OAI? google doesn't know that one lol thanks
  10. for the 100000x I get the feeling this is gonna last a little while
  11. haha! I was like ATM? what? I told remember an "automated teller machine" icon.. then I looked
  12. I took is as expired drivers license, (not something you renew every year) so I see how he could have forgotten
  13. So, like I said in another thread, I know nothing about guns. So I decided to start reading about calibres on wikipedia. I'm not sure if wiki is wrong or written poorly or I'm just interpreting it wrong. The above article says they should not be considered interchangable, why? The .308 Win was made to be the civilian version of the 7.62, right? The article on the .308 Win even says: So what are the differences?
  14. no, you want to get rid of the WHOLE body.. especially dental
  15. I <3 learning about guns.. and since I know nothing, I learn every time I read about them!
  16. I see where you're going with this.. but its just an expired license. Its not like he was driving on a suspended license or something. I'll assume he is a busy guy as a rep, and say he just forgot... as far as the speeding tho... meh, speeding tickets are BS and ONLY used for revenue anymore. In my opinion, speed limits should be speed suggestions (giving discretion to both sides of the law, and not just one)
  17. you have a manual for your bike? I would start testing the charging system, and if its 100% okay, then its probably your battery if both of those fail, (then it really sucks because) its wiring. A short somewhere or a faulty switch? Make sure you didn't pinch any wires while you were putting it back together.. but I'm leaning towards the charging system
  18. i thought white smoke was antifreeze, blueish smoke was oil, and black smoke was fuel
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