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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. I just checked out your links fireman, that looks like a blast! How do you get into that sorta thing, and what costs come with it? Is it something I can join with zero racing experience?
  2. anyone been to http://www.photobucket.com ??
  3. the article ignores the heating elements and thats exactly what my question is about
  4. The thing is though, I'm only talking about the electricity to heat those 2 - 6 cups of water. I don't care about all the other water in the water heater. Remember, we're only talking about lets say 6 cups of water though. First, lets say that water comes in to my house at 55°F, the water heater is set to 140°F Okay, so if I get 6 cups from the cold faucet: stove has to heat the water from 55° to 140° (to match the water heater) THEN the stove has to heat to 212° (boiling) water heater has to keep 6 cups at 140° for the time it takes the water in the pot to go from 55°F to boiling (since we didn't use the already heated water) Water comes from the water heater stove starts with 6 cups of water at 140° then heats to 212°F water heater has to heat 6 cups from 55° to 140° Not really.. only because they talk about energy. No matter what the heating element, the water will always have to absorb the same amount of energy. The question here is, which heating element delivers the energy most effectively. (using the least amount of electricity) My thinking here is that the heating element on the stove is surrounded by air, and connected to a big ass stove (great conductor of heat). So while the stove is heating my water, its heating the air & the entire stove for that matter. That is lost heat, that isn't heating my water. Now the water heater, on the other hand, is insulated like crazy.
  5. I don't have a problem with that, I have a problem with the blame game. I don't think it is the states fault to begin with. Buuuuuuuuuut since it was decided it was the states fault, I think thats the least they could give the wife... sounds like her husband is a veggie now and it was declared someone else's fault. Loss of sex, wages, and a life partner
  6. and lets see videos of those stilts in action! lol
  7. woah there last week! say hi for me
  8. you've been told incorrectly. I know if I start with hot water from the faucet, the water will boil faster on the stove. Thats not what I'm interested in though. I'm wondering if it takes less energy for the water heater to get the water hot or for the stove to. Either way I'm starting with cold water, its getting hot, then its boiling. Do I want the water heater to do most of the heating or the stove? (for least electricity usage)
  9. Which is more efficient? If I want to get a pot of water boiling, does it use more electricity to fill the pot with luke-warm/cold water, heat to boiling on the stove or fill the pot with hot water, heat to boiling Water heater & stove are electric
  10. a guy in a motorized chair is in one of the local frats.. if he gets too drunk someone else will "walk" him home, driving his chair for him I donno what the point of an OVI would be though... they gonna make him walk for a couple months?
  11. motorcycle forums are a dime a dozen.. you have niche market here and it works. I used to be on sportbikes.net all the time, but now I'm here 100% of the time because I can actually meet and ride with people here. Make the goal 100% ohio rider participation. If you want to expand, expand to the HD/cruiser market. I know right now we're mostly sport bikes
  12. that looks like a k9 in his avatar
  13. wrillo

    Dayton in April

    call the hotel, ask if you can send it there
  14. I really wish I had $700 dollars to spend... GL with sale
  15. ^^ you really really suck!
  16. wrillo

    Dayton in April

    i will... for a price duh duh dun
  17. the plan is to get to the 35 spot at 10:30 and leave there for cbus at 10:45.. you're gonna need to jet to the 35 spot from work
  18. okay, http://www.instantrimshot.com/
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