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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Well I'm sorry I didn't ever get a chance to meet you, have fun while you can
  2. You can't win if you don't enter the contest! Don't forgot to sign up!
  3. damn yota! I'm really sorry to hear that! I know the feeling, and its a real shitty one. good luck with everything
  4. that is awesome! I love it. Would you mind telling how much it cost?
  5. hey, the ps3 still for sale?

  6. wrillo

    Wtt: 2005 zx6r

    pretty sure its up to JaSSon here. Not sure if a Zizzer is what he is looking for, and I've already put a couple miles on my bike
  7. I was gonna suggest a game of chicken. Whoever loses has to leave OR FOREVER!!!!!!1!!
  8. wonder how excited that chicken fucker would get if I egged his house
  9. last midget I had knocked the bike over trying to swing at someone. I turned the hammer on it tho and just take my helmet with me now
  10. what a little bitch, Nick's feet hurt so he gets to leave work at 3 yeah, I said it, wut?!
  11. I thought someone told you to get back to work
  12. +1 thats some pretty sweet shit.
  13. The only other thing they'll do is check bolts for tightness, and if they're a really good shop they'll re-torque everything. I would highly suggest at least checking everything because at about 1000 miles I found the nut on top of my triple loose. I'm sure someone around you has a torque wrench, I have one if it comes down to that edit: I come into Columbus occasionally for OR functions so it wouldn't be a big deal swing by
  14. I'm in beavercreek too! theres $5 + tip!
  15. wrillo

    Wtt: 2005 zx6r

    I'll trade you my 2008 ZZR600 with 16,000 miles on it only color I like better than yours is kawi green
  16. I was just gonna say, if there is one thing you should never ever do again, is speed in a school zone/around areas with kids. I go 20mph in school zones and not even 1 over
  17. Jcroz - you have a ticket for speeding in a 20mph zone. You get busted in a school zone? they REALLY don't like to see those in court.
  18. lot of these videos are awesome. shows some great rider skillz fa sho!
  19. Don't think I'm going out today... looks pretty bad
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