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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. oops, I stole all the secks. intermission over
  2. only 2757 minutes until meet up time on 35! any one else coming? map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=600+s+orchard+lane+dayton+oh&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=600+S+Orchard+Ln,+Dayton,+Greene,+Ohio+45434&gl=us&ei=m660S6-gEsb_lgffwfWSAQ&ved=0CAgQ8gEwAA&t=h&z=16
  3. you're on a Jap cruiser, you don't even count. I like your bike, if thats it in your avatar
  4. I think Dyno-Day is this Saturday, otherwise I'd join you.
  5. or go and be one of the first three or four people in the group like I was and you'll be fine.
  6. Is this serious? You made a thread for this? While we're talking about pointless shit that doesn't matter, Ben could you change the upper right hand box from: to this: You see, I want to know about private messages more than the last time I visited. k thx
  7. This whole thread rubs me the wrong way. 1: The title. If anyone is going to post a "Rules" thread for OR group rides, it should be Casper. Maybe a moderator, but not even then without the friendly ghost's explicit consent. Make the title "My opinions and suggestions for group rides" EDIT: To expand on #1 a little bit. I know a lot of you are good friends with Ben, and thats great. However its been said that this place seems like a small group of friends that have a website. I think threads like this are discouraging and un-welcoming of new members. 2: The OP states: So asking for riding tips on OR is pointless, UNLESS its group riding tips from you? 3. Most everyone in this thread bitching about noobsauce is an experienced rider telling everyone "if you can't keep up slow down". If you're leading a ride, why don't you just slow down? Then you don't have to worry about noobs riding up your arsehole.
  8. I haven't met my dad but unless your name is Mr William Mylkman you aren't him. I think thats his name, mom seemed a little unsure when she first told me.
  9. two things wrong, the victim went to jail and the perp survived
  10. damn... I typed out a very inappropriate joke about girls dating older guys because girls mature faster... but I have a feeling your daughter is like 4 years old so, in favor of NOT sounding like a pedophile I'll just rest with the fact that you're probably old enough to be my dad.
  11. another 45-60 minutes east for the sheep. no handshake but you get silly stringed as you pull into the parking lot
  12. old people FTL! I was born in '86 Thanks for the movie review, sir
  13. Seriously guys? Busting balls because someone is doing something right and using a torque wrench? Shut the fuck up. If you're in aluminum I'd say use a torque wrench every damn time, steel isn't such a big deal, but either way I wouldn't be doggin on someone for not wanting to fuck shit up. Grow up you asshat/s
  14. quit talking about pizza, you're making me hungry
  15. You have a passenger seat don't you?
  16. Oh.. also keep in mind that your tires are meant to perform when they are hot. Don't hop on cold tires and trust them through a corner. You need to put some heat in them either by aggressive accelerating and decelerating or by handling turns slowly and progressively getting more aggressive. Cold pavement is always cold pavement. I don't care how warm your tires are or how much you try to warm up your favorite on ramp, it will always be cold. Just because the air feels warm during the spring, doesn't mean the ground is also warm. Just another thing to keep in mind.
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