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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. insurance, title, tags, no wheelies, boots, gloves, helmet, english class not necessarily in that order either
  2. wrillo

    Dayton Cyclefest

    me and the girlfriend will probably end up going to this
  3. I'm in Dayton, JRMiii is in Elyria, IP is in Ravenna, shitty is in Columbus... you still think we're just some small group of friends trying to shit on people? Maybe you should have done a little more "lurking" before you started posting.
  4. I'm sorry Cypress, I should have put these around that post [sarcastic][/sarcastic]
  5. three jackets? $$$ This is a broke OSU student that can't even afford insurance
  6. so in other words, you're one of those kids that learns real fast from his mistakes?
  7. You making payments on those things big guy? If so, you don't own them, the bank does.
  8. You work for AAA and can't afford insurance? Don't you get a discount being an employee there?
  9. I wish I could say that if I ever met you I'd beat your head into the ground and curb stop your stupid ass. I can't say that though, its against the rules.
  10. Why does it always have to be a GSXR?! Fuck! Do they design these bikes to appeal the the eyes of mildly retarded people?
  11. When you need it, its too late. The idea of insurance is to have it before you need it, asshat. I'm glad I schooled you on this, because apparently you don't know how insurance works.
  12. Seriously? How old are you? You speak and type like an ignorant-ass teenager. I was trying to be nice and give you a warning of the consequences of your lack of action. Listen now though you little fuck, I've been hit by an uninsured motorist. It totaled my car, and yes I got a payout from my insurance company because I had uninsured motorist coverage. However three months later my premiums tripled because they couldn't get any money out of the low-life piece of shit that hit me. Thats exactly how you're acting right now, a low-life pile of trash that doesn't care about anything but pulling monster 4" wheelies. Because of people like you, I have to pay MORE for insurance to cover uninsured motorists. On top of that, when my car gets totaled by one of you idiots, my premiums go up? Fuck you. You're a drain on society and one of the lowest forms of trash in my opinion.
  13. Oh and since you're a n00b, I'll let you know now that if you start a poll here one of the following options are necessary A. Hookers B. Blow C. Hookers and Blow
  14. Please, please take a video of these perfected wheelies and post it here. I know you haven't perfected anything on your bike yet. I would bet my bike on it. You're asking for legitimate advice about motorcycles, and well you're getting it. Three hours isn't enough time to get insurance on your motorcycle? I got mine covered in about 15 minutes before I ever left the dealership. Quit being an asshat, either put the bike up or get insurance. As for the tags and title, I couldn't care less. However if you ride a perfect wheelie into me or some other motorist you're going to have to pull a lot of money out of your ass to cover damages, medical expenses, legal expenses, and possibly a civil suit.
  15. stealing shit from the stolen forum? thats messed up man
  16. This is currently making the rounds of the interwebs. http://digg.com/tech_news/MPAA_shuts_down_entire_town_s_muni_WiFi_over_a_single_DL http://www.boingboing.net/2009/11/12/mpaa-shuts-down-enti.html?utm_source=twitterfeed
  17. alright alright, I repped you for that
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