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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Self destruction is really an interesting topic to research. I'm currently reading The Lucifer Principal http://www.amazon.com/Lucifer-Principle-Scientific-Expedition-History/dp/0871136643 and it applies Darwin's theory to society and social groups. It says that the groups survival is more important than the individual and that mother nature is a bitch (basically). When an individual feels like they are a burden to their society, they go into self destruct mode. It even explains murder-suicides because the man of the house didn't want to leave a "burden" behind just because he 'failed'.
  2. Everyone needs to listen to this song by Darryl Worley before they go do something stupid like this Sounds like life to me it ain’t no fantasy It’s just a common case of everyday reality Man I know it’s tough but you gotta suck it up To hear you talk you’re caught up in some tragedy It sounds like life to me
  3. Thats not that bad at all. How long would it take you to do all that stuff on your own?
  4. I want that tool box. Thanks for the heads up
  5. change your screen name? everyone else is doing it maybe try Cycle Search of Death!
  6. when do infractions go away? Mine has expired but it still won't go away
  7. I've never met a whore horse, don't think I want to.
  8. Is OR really a secret bestiality cult?
  9. if you haven't already, make sure you send MJ a congrats on her profile page!
  10. wow this just got real fast stick to talking about MJ, seriously
  11. :lol: oh my bad! I thought everyone already knew
  12. Auto-forward them to a rick roll every time they try to post?
  13. Congratulations on being preggers!


  14. You know what happens when you assume?
  15. You forgot about the already profitable sheep "servicing"
  16. wrillo

    youtube upload?

    Upload speeds are horrible, even if you have cable/DSL. Just looking at SWingr's speed test you can see his download speed is 31 times faster than upload speed. .49Mb/s = 501.76Kb/s Thats like dial-up speeds on the upload side. If you want faster upload you have to have a commercial account. The reason upload speeds are so horrible is because your computer doesn't have to request much, but it gets a lot of information in return.
  17. This one is a little ambiguous, I'd like a vote to strike this line from the rules.
  18. ↓↓↓ hahaha... do it! That would be awesome!

  19. I don't like anybody! Make ME a moderator!
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