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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Sending ninjas to cleveland. No, they don't need your address
  2. Another reason not to "lay it down". If you go out there with the idea that laying your bike down will save your life, you're not going to see the much more beneficial exit strategies. He could have easily kept the bike upright, split the cars in front of him and come to a stop before the intersection. Of course, not even that would happen if he never learned how to use his front brake. Laying your bike down is going to throw you off of it, and possibly under oncoming traffic
  3. If I had the money I would, because I feel like I can trust this guy.
  4. wrillo


    Here is the first PS3 thread. Post here you nerds.
  5. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=22791&highlight=ps3 http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=3320&highlight=ps3
  6. Energy drink for people that need gratuitous amounts of energy! SPORTS you'll be good at them!! RARRRRRRR!! With all new flavors like SHOCKLATE!! Chocolate energy!! Its like adding chocolate to an ELECTRICAL STORM!! If you like Strawberry...How about RAWBERRY!!! Made with lightning!! REAL LIGHTNING!!!!!! You'll have energy running all the time!! Power lifting, power sleeping, power dating, power spawning babies!!! You will have soo many babies! 400 babies!!!! Then you feed Shocklate to your babies and they'll become good at SPORTS!! And they'll run ABNORMALLY FAST! They'll compete against Kenyans, they'll run as fast as Kenyans, they'll run past people that think they're Kenyans, then there'll be a tie and they'll be deported back to KENYA!!! You'll be moving soo fast mother nature will be like SlOw DoWn! And you'll be like FUCK YOU and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS!!!
  7. i like this one. never heard it before either.
  8. 35 seconds in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VklTs-Tid_I&start=35
  9. do those things come with flares?
  10. [you]:lol:Do you know who that is going down in your avatar?[/you]

    No I don't. There was a thread about it a few days ago. I just made the animation from a sequence of pictures on some photographer's website

  11. awww.. you didn't get a cupcake, did you?
  12. I just farted and it smells really really bad
  13. thats hilarious because I've totally thought about trying that! I keep my card in my wallet. So I've really been wanting to 'butt bump' the scanner on the wall, but I'd have to jump up there.
  14. That beautiful technology is referred to as Passive RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), and that wouldn't be nearly as nerdy
  15. quit being a fun sucker. We dont want to hear about shootings. seriously though, its orange county.
  16. but thats the problem with Catholics, they'd actually believe you. Then they'd tell anyone that questions their story that "they saw it with their own eyes" and that it really happened. Then 9 people would write kinda similar stories about what happened. 2000 years later, we'd celebrate the death of Lucifer himself.
  17. wrillo

    they turn...

    I'll make animations of those too if ya want
  18. wrillo

    they turn...

    finally done with my new avatar
  19. it is pretty cute that you guys notice them when they fly over though Planes flying overhead is almost a daily occurrence here, and yesterday I watched a helicopter land from my office window for some reservist thing-a-bob
  20. I can only speak for myself' date=' but I have a personal grudge against the Catholic church (I'll admit that much). I was actually raised Catholic all the way [u']up to confirmation, but never was. Even in the 7th grade I could recognize all the hypocrisy, and ridiculousness that is the Catholic church. On top of my personal beef, there are plenty of historic reasons not to like them. However, to any Catholics out there, I mean not to offend you. I am just a bitter bitter person, so don't mind me.
  21. yeah... its weird how loud massive objects propelled through the air by controled explosions are... weird
  22. woah.. lets not confuse Christians with radical Cathlics now. I'm a Christian man myself (Episcopalian)
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