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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Its funny, I still fear radical catholics more than radical muslims
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE5PGeh2K9k
  3. holy shit! talk about jealous! this guy right here is! I hope someone writes a fat chick suspension mod for the Kawi OS
  4. Dunno what color your bike is, but this is for sale on SBN for $60 link: http://www.sportbikes.net/forums/parts-sale/425103-06-07-gsxr-600-750-blue-solo-seat-cowl.html
  5. wrillo


    From the album: Random Posts

  6. I programmed a hotkey into my bike, its activated at WOT
  7. i got it with the motorcycle tire attachment. Works great for small tires, but I bent the bead breaker a little bit breaking the bead on my truck tire. Not so good for bigger tires. You'll need some way to protect your wheels though, I had paint transfer on mine. No serious damage tho
  8. I'm on the same page to be honest, although I do have some doubts. One side of me says "if everyone had a side arm think about how quickly this would have ended"... the other side says "but think of the fuck fest of bullets that would have happened" In a situation like that no one is going to think twice about pulling and firing without thinking about bullet travel and penetration
  9. I figured as much with the high death count and the fact that they were using high powered rifles
  10. meh, we had a guy from Italy join too He was moving here in the near future. Can't blame the outta state guys for wanting to check out our super sweet biker gang
  11. right, and if you're still having trouble with it roll on roll off (bike will lurch forward) roll on again (bike will lift off)
  12. try to make it the left side, right side fairings are a little harder to come by
  13. well thats not gonna happen, so its riding or pit bitch
  14. good idea, but don't actually do anything until you understand this thread lol
  15. sometimes I really do try to be helpful in between being a sarcastic ass
  16. can I be on the team? p-p-p-please?
  17. might be as soon as this weekend. Seriously though dude. These are the questions you don't ask for many reasons, but probably the biggest of all: You shouldn't have to. If you don't know the bike well enough to answer this question on your own, its too early to being riding wheelies.
  18. A shooting inside of a military complex is... interesting. Usually there are MPs everywhere! Very sad... I would love to be the person to shoot these fuckers in the head.
  19. dropping the clutch at 9 grand should do it
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