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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. you can only view the first post of each thread
  2. May I suggest that Justin may be better suited for the duties of a boy.

  3. haha... I thought they were saying "Turd" all this time
  4. wrillo


    I want to kick babies off the back seat of Harley Davidsons
  5. http://ww1.aaa.com/scripts/WebObjects.dll/AAAOnline.woa/4014?association=AAA&club=133&page=ClubServices15&sessionRedirect=1258482248113
  6. this is her boy's bike I believe (not me, the other one)
  7. AAA - they sell auto insurance don't they?
  8. Jcorn or whatever got a great deal on a GIXXYA makes a thread asking how to do power wheelies on a 750 inline four motorcycle claims the notary on the title expired and can't register his bike or transfer title IP gives him some good advice brags about 4" power wheelie also has no insurance for the triple wammy - no title tags or insurance works for an insurance company but tells us its his choice not to insure his bike for one month before winter because thats just stupid he asked about a jacket. JRMiii makes a thread about him IP realizes the retard he helped with the title problem is the same retard doing wheelies without insurance Jcorn gets the cone of shame (I just watched UP the other night) he makes a thread asking for a frame and clean title on sportbikes.net to be continued...
  9. clearly some people can be both a chick and linebacker
  10. I just got done working out, anyone want to fight?
  11. Alright, just going off of what was last said in that thread about the title. So you took IP's advice about the title then?
  12. wrillo

    dj hero

    haven't played it myself, but all the reviews give a big thumbs down
  13. you have the previous owners plates. You have not registered the bike in your own name. You don't have plates of your own
  14. yeah, I guess this forum is pretty worthless with its Meet and Greets, Coshocton rides (both of which brought people from all over the state up to 4 hours away), Dayton had a couple 20+ people rides, Putty's Sound Stage, the benefits held for Brian, I don't know how many people have had attack painter do work for them, shitty just got hooked up with a 1125R in part because of the Buell thread, I've personally met people from the Columbus and Cleveland areas... shit I could go on forever... not to mention all the bullshit here keeps us all entertained this site is worthless! gosh!
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