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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Glad to see you posting and hope this all works out well for you in the end. I saw the whole accident and thought you did a good job avoiding the group. I wasn't upset about you putting us in danger because it looked like you made an effort to avoid us. You didn't complain much about your hip at the time so I at least had no idea how injured you were. Are you going to have work consequences related to this accident? The bike looks fixable to me but insurance companies like to cover themselves so with the right or wrong adjuster it could be totaled depending on how you look at it. I would like to know more about what you can remember leading up to the accident mostly as a means to keep the same type of thing happening again if possible. Did you see the stop ahead sign or were you focused on the road in front of you? Was it blocked by other riders? I didn't remember seeing a sign but others have stated there is one. You will find a lot of help from the riding folks when you need it, I’m sure you would do the same for them if given the chance.
  2. It appears that no matter what my opinion is it becomes invalid because I'm black. You bunch of racists redneck fuckers.
  3. Nice to have met you too. We had to leave because she was done after she bought her new jacket. We have to head out when we think about it because the scooter doesn't got too fast.
  4. I agree with the confederate idea of less federal control and wished they would have won their right to secede but they didn't and all I see when I see that flag is LOSER. I can find no honor in flying a flag that symbolizes the losing side of a conflict.
  5. I think we need you to plan a ride. I don't want to hear any whiney shit out of you either because there are too many bikes, Nick just did 36 bikes so shut your bitch mouth and just do it.
  6. ^ Oh look he has a baby on his bike too. I hope it doesn't flip people off like the one on my bike does.
  7. That is a legitimate concern and one I hope was somewhat alleviated as you witnessed me doing it. I had some safety margin built in and a plan on what to do if I needed to move into line at all times. I guess it was somewhat dangerous if others would have reacted at the same time to help me in line and a concern worth evaluating for future events. As far as bitching goes this is not directed at you but just a general observation about group rides. There are complaints after every group ride, it was too fast, it was too slow, too many stops, not enough stops, we stopped to eat, we didn't stop to eat, etc, etc. When thirty six people get together it's impossible to please everyone, skills are different and so are expectations. I am happy with the results of the ride overall with the exception of the last get off. I hope he doesn’t blame the group for his accident and I don’t expect he will he didn’t seem like someone to complain based on him not bitching about how badly he was hurt. The first guy that went down admitted what happened and realized what he did, good on him. Thats about right. he was 6 I was 7. he was about 4 lengths in front of me and as soon as he hit the last corner and there was the stop sign, he locked up the rear and went left of you guys(as did I)the rear wheel slid to the right and he high sided and the bike rolled once or twice. I don't know if you guys saw buy i was the one who slid into the intersection and almost hit his bike. I Jumped off my bike and was in such a hurry to go check on him my kickstand wasn't all the way down and I about droped the bike lol. It sound like hes ok but hopefully he will get on here and post up. he was up almost instantly but his adrenaline was probably pumping pretty hard. I watched the whole thing happen and was worried you were going to hit the bike or him as the two were swapping for position in front of you. You did a good job avoiding the mess, I even saw you stop, get off and go to him for what help you could offer, I missed your bike going down. I wanted to make sure traffic stopped so no one would hit the bike in the road or any of us. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if there was traffic coming down the cross road. I don't know what happened to start the whole situation and wonder if there were signs posted for a stop ahead because the stop is positioned real close to the end of a blind rise. I could see how he would have missed that sign if another bike was in front of him blocking his view. Nick mentioned earlier that someone could have been seriously hurt if he hadn't went left of us to avoid hitting us and it's true that would have been serious.
  8. Nope, bike is stock except for the baby seat. When I can out ride the bikes performance then I will upgrade it. I don't see that happening ever. I know bikes aren't an investment but upgrades are a loser when selling the bike time comes around. Besides I have just as much fun on a 600 as I do with the 1K, the only reason I have it is because it was $6,500, I couldn't buy a new 600 for that at the time. The ZX12R I had I bought modified. Track bikes are different and brake lines, fluid are a must to be changed.
  9. Those speeds are a lie even if the magazines "proved" them out. I had a 05 Busa that had stock gearing; it would go to an indicated 186 but would only GPS 170. I also had a ZX12R that was -1/+2 that would peg the speedometer but would only go 167 MPH with the GPS while it was banging off the rev-limiter. 190 on a dyno means nothing to real world riding for top speeds.
  10. This is funny. I'm glad this worked out for everyone. Some have mentioned that they were worried or thought I had balls getting so close to blind rises. It's not that big of a deal if you are willing to use your brakes. I don't know if anyone noticed but the last two or three passes going to the front I slowed down doing it. That's because I faded my brakes, this is the first time I have ever done this but at 90 degrees and using them to jump in line over blind rises or curves I couldn't see through they faded. I don't usually use my brakes much on rides so this was a new experience for me.
  11. This is not a testament of Shinkos ability to anything well it's about your bike. Wouldn't it go just as fast with any other tire from a roll? The profile helps with launching not as much from a roll. I also call bullshit on the 190 MPH too unless verified by GPS it is a very hard number to reach without a power adder. There was a guy on the ride in Dayton yesterday who had Shinko mounted; they were perfectly fine for that ride. They do have their place, work well if long life and cheap tires are what you want or need; some people don't need to ride around at mach to have a good time riding.
  12. Fusion was the person who really sacrificed, I offered to swap duties with him a few times but he took that duty over and wouldn't give it up. I had fun riding back to the front. Nick is right the front guys didn't have issues and the rides up front move faster the smaller the group. Nick still might not be too sure if he would beat me to 150 mph (From another thread.) but I'm certain he would pull me on the big end. It was hot, hot, hot but I got to ride home in air-conditioning. This was the first ride I have trailerd to and it wasn't a bad experience at all. I might do it again.
  13. You weren't the person who said something, in fact he didn't really complain he stated I scared him when I went by him not that I was an asshole and he wouldn't ride with me again but if he would say that I assumed there might be others who didn't speak up. Don't feel bad about not liking someone close to you I won't defend it other than to state it was the only solution I could see to keep the group together. If you didn't like it, that is a reasonable complaint. To those people whose asses I didn't get around to grabbing I also apologize.
  14. I was buzzing the group after every stop because I stopped traffic until Fusion made it to me so I could let Nick know it was okay to leave at the next stop. I forget sometimes others aren't comfortable with someone close to them. I understand that being the case for them and will try to do things differently next time.
  15. Good to hear. He was up walking around not bleeding and didn't ask for medical help. I thought he would be okay or take himself in tomorrow if his pains didn't go away. Why didn't any of you fuckers remind me to put sun block on the baby I think it got sunburned?
  16. I have no hair and now my beard is gray. No schedule was going to get in the way of a good time. I still had fun and was glad to meet some new people. Thanks to Fusion who played tail gunner all day, 36 bikes are hard to keep together especially with so many stops and road changes. I hope the guy from the last accident makes out okay. I saw the whole accident and it could have been worse if he hadn’t gone out toward the left, otherwise it would have looked like he was mowing down bowling pins. It was brought to my attention that I was scaring someone so I'm guessing there were more who didn't say anything. I am sorry for that but that was the best tactic I could come up with on the fly to keep us somewhat organized. I won't let that happen again.
  17. Plenty of tires left. None for sport bikes though. Get a set of tires already.
  18. I have used feed stores and landscaping yards.
  19. Let's see if we can make this harder. Where is lunch? Are you making provisions for the vegetarians? Please don't make gas stops at any BP stations because we are supposed to be boycotting them. You should also call ahead to the stations you plan to use to make sure they aren't getting a delivery that day because the filters they put in place can't handle deliveries so the pumps deliver dirty gas. Can you make sure the stations have enough pumps for everyone; you know how long it can take to fill up thirty bikes with just four pumps? Can you go out today and sweep all the gravel out of the corners? Can you post all the longitude and latitude of the turns, most GPSs can't seem to get the Google maps to work in them. If my butt gets sore will you stop and wait until it feels better. Can we ride wheelies anywhere in the group or just in the back? Can we blame you if anyone goes down because you were leading too fast and made everyone ride over their heads? How fast are you going to be going, I don’t want to get a ticket.
  20. That is a big heavy bike with no front end adjustments. I would stay away from the swap because you need as much of a contact patch as you can get with the big old bird especially since you have no adjustments to correct the handling issues it will give you.
  21. I don't mind confronting said tools so that the group doesn't have to be labeled a bunch of assholes, I can be the only asshole. Going a little slower and not wrecking is a much better time than waiting for a helicopter. Don't get me wrong shit can happen but riding over your head is easy for others to see and can be prevented.
  22. Good point and if you don't want to confront a tool tell one of the ride leaders at a stop or gas stop. This is why you need more than one person with a group of people over ten who haven't all ridden together before. The leader needs to stay up front so the other guys can ride with the tool who says he will calm down and won't. I can picture what happened on the ride where the guy moved up. He thought you guys were holding him up because others were pulling away so he moved up. The problem with that is they weren't pulling away because they were going fast between curves they weren't slowing down for the curves like he needed to. Estimating corner entry speed is an important skill to have, anyone can go fast in a straight line and group rides aren't the place to do that. You are a good rider for any group so you have the integrity to confront someone and didn't that accident change the mood of the ride? If it could have been prevented it would have been worth the little drama it might have caused at the time to save the entire groups good time.
  23. Nick, not telling you how to run your business but you should have a route posted or have at least two other people from your area that know the route also and are willing to ride in the middle of the pack and sweep. At twenty-five bikes the riding ability will vary by a wide margin so keeping them together will be difficult without help even if you plan on waiting for everyone at every stop. Recounting all the bikes is hard to do at every stop, if you have a sweep rider giving you the thumbs up at stops it helps with keeping things organized and moving along. It is difficult to lead more than ten bikes at a time, twenty-five will be damn near impossible without support. There are a lot of pack issues that need to be taken care of that you can’t see from the front. Saying “Don’t tailgate” is nice but people riding over their heads happens a lot on big group rides, touching the center line is a big indicator of riding over their heads and unless they are called out on such behavior by others in the pack you simple won’t know about it. One accident that can be prevented will make for a much happier experience for all.
  24. You are not very funny, shut your bitch mouth.
  25. This is not tempting, he is not selling it and if I have to I will go over to his house and kick it over so no one will buy it. Move along.
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