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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. That's what I thought. I bought a new Phoenix jacket from Avon Honda for $80 in January. Now I have the matching pants. All this for the low, low price of less than the jacket goes for at regular prices.
  2. Medina, on 18 just west of 71
  3. They just haven't been around long enough to get a little meat on their bones. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ7cV9GP6PI
  4. I feel much better now, can we cuddle? I need some tenderness now that my butt hurts. Here is the post refered to earlier. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=442566&postcount=879
  5. Dude, why you gotta hate? That's why there are rules around here to keep you racists from running all the minorities off. Here is where I should be saying something inappropriate or insulting about you but I got nothing because I don't know you well enough. You only hurt the ones you love. I think that's Zero's problem, he has a man crush.
  6. I don't mind waiting for 50 pages to see a dudes boobs, you girls can start any time now.
  7. You are correct in most other cases. I accused Shitty of being an attention whore by having access to so many bikes. It was just a way for me to deflect my pain from being so jealous of him.
  8. If I can't have all the bikes you can put together Attention whoring = jealousy That was the quickest seven minutes of my life.
  9. You are missing how bad ass we all can be over the internet. I hate people who have too many bikes and think they are just a bunch of attention whores. Especially if they stole a bike right out from under me. Now what bitch?
  10. That's true and I also understand why this place can't be run the same way. Sponsors wouldn't support the other site, hell they had to make it private after a hotel refused to host an event because the hotel had gone on the board and read about past events. I know there were other issues involved in that decision but it needed to be made private. I am just bitching for fun and try to push the limits to the edge of being banned within O.R. rules; it's kind of like a sport.
  11. If you guys are going to complain please do it in the appropriate thread. Signed Bossman!
  12. You're not playing this game correctly. If you close a thread you have your reasons, even though I had just made a post hoping to take it in a different direction and was thinking that thread could keep me entertained the rest of the day. After it was locked I had to resort to PMing people to continue fucking with them. This is how to handle it. "Shut your mouths I can do what I want to." Then go make some posts in the closed threads. How do you expect people to respect your authority unless you abuse it occasionally?
  13. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=484247&postcount=179 This made me laugh real hard, nice way to start my day. I wanted to ignore it to prove he wasn't so smart but I can't help myself. You fucking mods are torturing me. I have complained about threads being closed before because I couldn't understand why Ranting and Raving existed at all if you are going to close threads in there. Now I get it, it amuses you; it gives you mods a way to torture us by wielding your powers. Well played mods I envy your power and guess it's justified for all the work you do policing this board. FUCKERS!
  14. I would like to put fourth another complaint about another closed thread. Just as I'm ready to post a reply to see if I have all the post whoring bases covered the thread gets locked. Am I now to expect that the mods will continue posting in the thread just to mock me?
  15. I will be very impressed if the correct answer shows up for this one. What are the rules? Motorcycle ride only? In state of Ohio only? Trip from this week, month or year?
  16. I'm surprised you haven't been in there posting too. I missed all the fun and didn't find it until this morning just in time for it to be shut down. I can just imagine you guys all laughing about being able to post in the awesome thread when we can't. I hope you are amused with yourselves.
  17. I would like to complain about the mods taunting us in a closed thread. The thread is closed and they get to keep posting, it's quite infuriating. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=483469&postcount=177 http://www.ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=483715&postcount=178
  18. Don't forget to mount a broom to it also.
  19. +1 saw them work and they look good.
  20. If they were gonna cuff them at least they could have tased them first or beat them with some clubs. They were really fucking shit up.
  21. That looked like fun. I would say the guys filming were from up north because they didn't have an accent. I grew up in Ridgeville and did live in Tennessee for a while in the early '90s
  22. Richie is in the house. I am jealous of his wheelie skills. I love Marco's pizza. Nick, Richie was on the board too. Lenny is registered here but doesn't come around anymore. If you make it to a few rides without him he will come back.
  23. WTF, how did I miss this thread while it was happening? Much entertainment and the drama adds a bit of suspense. What a bunch of hypocritical bitches around here who think everybody must be the same. You guys get all geared up to go flying around the back roads at break neck speeds but that’s okay because it's your thing. Please, that shit is dangerous, sociopathic and even a danger to others but you guys want to give shit to someone who was doing none of these things? How fucking stupid to take such a self righteous stand when most of the riding done around here is a menace to society. I have ridden without gear on a cruiser, scooter and sport bike. I ride differently when I go out that way and am cautious enough that I certainly am not a danger to others. Fucking with someone who is using a bike for transportation is stupid just because it doesn't meet with your methods of riding. Twisting an ankle without gear at the speed limit is superior to getting dismembered with gear on at three times the speed limit. The majority of posts I start or am involved in are for entertainment so they could be considered as being attention whoreing because they have no real value. If that offends some of you tough shit. Why so serious? I have yet to figure out the fine line of what is considered acceptable attention whoring. Besides if you guys keep fucking with her you'll drive her away and we won't get to see any money shots.
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