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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Like I stated earlier if you had my shit and I knew it I would break into your garage, take it and tell people about it, not a problem. I still haven't seen any proof of ownership or police reports to back up any allegations so far. I don't blame anyone for calling someone out if they stole your shit but if you want to make it public to have people know the truth then you should be forthcoming with some proof of what that truth is. Other than that this is just drama over a woman. You guys should give me her number and let’s see if I can add some more drama to your situation.
  2. I can't figure out what the hell the truth is here but it is entertaining. In most cases two wrongs don't make a right but if you have taken something of mine and I know it is in your possession expect me to take it back. I will dare you to call the police while doing it and if you resist it might be wise on your part to call them. I can't imagine a scenario where someone wouldn't call to make a report if they were broken into and their possessions were stolen. We have seen internet posts of for sale threads how about some police reports. I agree with Justin it's all a woman’s fault.
  3. Everyone, I appreciate your acknowledgements but this happened close to seventeen years ago, so I have come to terms with it. It took me about a decade though. I wanted to kill the little bastard at the time, thankfully by the time he was out of the hospital I had calmed down and was in Ohio far enough not to do anything stupid. I posted this to reinforce Fonzies story about the depths others will go to in helping others out and to hope others will think about what they are doing before they drink and drive. I assume most people are wearing their seatbelts now since most know nothing other than wearing them their entire lives.
  4. That's not what I heard; you had trouble with the mechanics of the whole thing and failed. You leave them cougars to us older folks with experience.
  5. I don't know if I've seen him do that so he might not be able to.
  6. Don't tease the boy Kevin he are book smart.
  7. I am sorry to hear about your family’s accident and hope they can come away from it with a lesson or two to keep themselves safe and others. I know they were not at fault but a teenage boy can get wild at times, hopefully this will make him think before he does. I know as a teenager I would drink and drive all over town with my friends and never thought of the consequences. It is scary to think what could have happened, this should make you appreciate having them around even more because that thought brings you to the realization of how much they all mean to you. I lost my father to a drunk driver and people who were there went above and beyond to help at the accident all they could. A nineteen year old kid had been drinking and wanted to get his girlfriend a birthday present so he gets into his car to drive to the mall passing every car and truck he came too along the way. The accident happened on highway 27 in Spring City, Tennessee where my dad had semi retired to three years prior. The area is hilly and this kid passes a truck going uphill in a no passing zone, he hits my father and his wife head on at the top of that hill. No one had time to react; there were no skid marks or maneuvering to avoid an accident just boom head on. This happened in 1993 my father was 51 at the time both he and his wife were not wearing their seat belts. They came from a different time where they didn't wear them and I still believe he would have survived the accident if he had been wearing his. My father was driving a full size pickup truck and the kid was driving a small Ranger pickup. Both trucks caught on fire and everyone had some degree of burns on them before they were pulled from the vehicles. The semi the kid was passing had an extinguisher in the truck and the driver managed to get the fire back enough to get the kid out of the Ranger. He couldn't get to my dad's truck because of the way the road was blocked by the accident. There were two cars traveling behind my father both of them were from out of state traveling on vacation. They were able to get my father out but his wife was trapped by the engine being pushed back and it had her legs pinned against the bench seat. One of the guys goes back to his car, gets his tire iron out and is forced to break her leg to get her out or watch her die by being burned up. This was very dangerous to be doing not knowing if things were going to explode any second. That break saved her life because soon after the entire truck was up in flames. My father died in the helicopter ride to the hospital. His wife survived but has limited mental capacity and went through years of physical therapy. The kid who hit them was in the hospital for a long time and after his parents insurance paid for his medical bills he was sent to jail for 1-1/2 years. Don't drink and drive and wear your seat belts everyone.
  8. I thought this might make the front page. http://www.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=04RK015G030022&po=22&pc=171 It's my girlfriends sister waving her panties around over her head.
  9. Why didn't they put on CBR1100XX stickers?
  10. Funny pictures, I left Monday morning, did anyone ride Sunday?
  11. Boom boom out go the lights.
  12. That white bike is cool as hell. I just thought the seller was a lying dumbass who was asking too much for it and didn't go by the rules the rest of us have to follow.
  13. On second thought that discussion needs its own thread if someone else wants to start one.
  14. You fuckhead why don't you just move this to ranting and raving right now.
  15. Been there about six weekends. Facility it nice, Kohler put in new showers and restrooms about two years ago. Track is in decent shape but not my favorite layout, bus stop has a concrete patch in it the last time I was there. I like Nelson layout better but track and facilities suck. I would wait to use time with them at Road America. That track and facility is awesome even if it cost you two extra hours of drive time both ways you won’t regret it.
  16. I have texted people to get an update on him also. I'm too old to figure out that facebook shit. You kids suck. Who was the guy on the KTM? Why doesn't he ride with us more? I was afraid to let him pass me because I didn't think I could keep him in sight if I did.
  17. I didn't see anyone I knew Sunday. Have you checked the photography sites for pictures? Do you have a picture of the latest addition to the tree of shame?
  18. I need me a race scooter now. I can't believe how much fun it was down there riding it. I thought it was going to really struggle going up the hills with a passenger but it had no problems. This is only a 150 with a single front brake. I'm looking for a 250 with dual front disks. I didn't even take the motorcycle to the gap Sunday I just made scooter passes because it was so much fun.
  19. I have been to the gap a few times and never made the front page but the baby did. Fast super moto that stayed on my ass the whole run. http://www.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=04RK015F000774&po=774&pc=877 My girlfriend and I making a pass on the scooter. http://www.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=04RK015G030063&po=63&pc=171 The scooter is just as much fun as the bike especially when you pass someone with it. The trip did have a sad for me the THP gave me a ticket for going too fast. I think it's going to make this trip very expensive. (67 in a 30)
  20. Finally got the bags mounted to the bike and took the baby out for a ride. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LxZ4Mi3rR3Q/S_NYZzdZScI/AAAAAAAAfQU/OJrJ9bwUwtA/s1600/img_6442.jpg http://killboy.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2010-05-19T00%3A04%3A00-04%3A00&max-results=20&reverse-paginate=true We even got some use out of some zip ties in the babies bag when someone needed them to hang bike parts from the tree of shame.
  21. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=465807&postcount=105
  22. Fuck all you facebook bitches. I got nothing on the rest of your trip. I doubt Adam is going to text me a whole thread.
  23. Real easy decision for me but everyone is different. 636 all the way no contest. I have a friend who had a RC51 and an old Honda 400 two stroke triple, he has faster around a track with the old 400. (He is an expert licensed racer.) He sold the RC and regrets it to this day but always has his eye out for another one though. I have ridden with him on and old CBR1100XX and really wasn't impressed with the bike at all. I could make the XX keep up on the road with the RC and had top end over him plus comfort. I could probably beat myself around a track with the 636 over the RC. That is an iconic bike but unless you are buying it as an investment I would stick with the 636.
  24. I'd bet Suzuki was owed money when they pulled their inventory.
  25. Looks like you fuckers picked a rain weekend. Next time try to plan a little better.
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