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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. What's a matter pokey the posts coming too fast for you? You must not be dedicated enough. You should spend all your time here so we can be entertained.
  2. If you think I have been civil to the offenders then I need to step up my game. I do find it hard to do in the constrains of a modded site.
  3. I'm not big on banning people. I think dealing with them as they show their dumbass behavior should filter them out, you could also read that as anyone acting that way.
  4. http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?t=6924 Both quotes from page three
  5. Here is another drunken post from over there. "we can filter traffic and them LMAo. No I think we will only grow stronger. I will shut the site down if there is ever that crap starting. I heart you guys and will always try to remain myself,but when i'm drunk I like to be steUpid lol. Junkies will always be junkies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " I wonder if they realize how many members are here and how much negative traffic that could mean on that site, filtering can be a full time job. If he doesn't like it in this playground and only wants to start shit here maybe he should stay in his.
  6. I am fairly certain the quote in my above post came from a drunken post. Not quoted from this site but a drunken post.
  7. Okay maybe I posted too soon. I decided to find out a little more about this little squabble between the orgs so I went over there to take a look around and found some interesting reading. I will have to say that my opinion has changed a little since doing so. Here is a quote from someone over there. "I am going to start major shit over there. Fuck them guys and their hate." This post was made very recently by someone claiming his innocence to the drama, not cool. From me there was no hate for the group only the words that we put in front of me by some asshole. It does appear these retards think they are better than the folks here and purposefully get in here to start drama. What pathetic pieces of shit.
  8. They made more than one black guy.
  9. No shoes, boots only. Thank Inya for the picture.
  10. You stupid little piece of shit lap dog who isn't big enough to lead his own group so your inferiority complex leads you to act out only proving what a little turd you are.
  11. I am abstaining from voting because I don't know about all the history behind this. I haven't had any issue with him or seen him do anything wrong in my opinion, I could be not remembering so if there was something it must be no big deal. The guys who came here to make shit in the thread that started this are complete idiots and will be treated as such. Condemning the whole group seems petty. I will be the first person to jump down someone's throat if they are acting up but I don't think the AJ have exclusive rights to being idiots. I guess what I'm getting at is I'm not going to go looking for a fight because I think it makes this group seem not above the behavior. Condemn the actions of the individuals and I'm on board go after a whole group and I'm sitting this one out.
  12. Kawi now has $2,500 rebates on 09 10s just like Honda had on their 08 1K. Yamaha has $350 toward W.E.R.A. if you buy a new bike from them now. Good time to buy if you have money. How did your surgery go Friday?
  13. I will race your school bus with my SUV for pinks. You name the venue I'll be there. Oh yeah, make that Nelson Ledges and you won't even see me after two laps.
  14. Good seller and the truck is in real nice shape he can't keep it because it's not copper color but they do make an Avalanche in copper or they did I don't know my mechanical skills are lacking.
  15. I bet this thread doesn't make it 35 pages. Most of us know this truck is a peice of shit and if was worth anything it would have been painted a copper color already. I would stay away from it if I were you guys.
  16. Not so much the issue at hand but any issue at hand. No one was questioning if he was a good guy or not at this point. Making your first post in a thread that has drama in it I doubt happened by accident so I can only assume you have an agenda. Your first post making a statement that you are not pleased with our behavior won't endear you to anyone quickly. Stick around to prove me wrong and we won't have a problem. Tell me how to reply, calm down or start shit and you will not enjoy your brief stay here.
  17. I'm not taking it personal, maybe you didn't read the whole thread after shit got started past issues were brought up, these issues were addressed and we have moved on. No one is questioning his integrity or the bike at this point obviously this many pages aren't needed to sell a bike so this must be about something else. I don't care where someone is from but if anyone comes in here telling us to kiss their ass and fuck off it will be getting a reply from me. I'm glad your outcome dealing with him was a good one for you and I do not doubt it won't be for someone who is actually looking to buy this bike. Your post count doesn't give you credibility but your timing and your input into this thread lead me to believe you have an agenda because of your post count and how the input didn't address the issue at hand.
  18. You will find I'm just a kind sweet teddy bear most of the time but will sling shit back in the direction that it's coming from. I will not deny this thread took on its own life but it wouldn't have if one of your guys hadn't taken it upon himself to have the prez'es back. I'm sure you could have handled it with more tack if you thought it was meant to start shit which I'm sure it wasn't. I haven't had a problem with you and hope it stays that way but if your guys think they perceive some sort of injustice and have to stick up for you they should expect that others here will do the same.
  19. MotoGP is a great series but it won't be the same without him. I hope he doesn't make any career decisions in his time off that will take him away from the sport.
  20. What the fuck ever, did you seriously sign up to make your first post to state you’re not happy with your first impression. Let me help you with your dilemma FUCK OFF. The question of his integrity was asked and answered sufficiently and wouldn't have been brought up at all if someone other than the op hadn't taken exception to a correct statement that the bike looked rough. Someone got in here with their butt hurt starting shit, no war was necessary but if you want to come in here to pile on that's okay with me you bunch of mental midgets are providing me with plenty of entertainment. You guys come in here saying there should be no drama and then start shit, I'm not saying there should be no drama I think it's funny. If you guys think it's not fair that the for sale thread isn't working out you only have yourselves to blame. I will agree that a few idiots can ruin it for everyone but you guys seem to just keep showing up maybe the prez should get some control over his little lap dogs.
  21. I have a couple cans of that stuff lying around that I won as door prizes on rides from a dealership. I would actually have to use it to get a clean bike and I would rather ride than clean. No, I don't want to get rid of the polish I might need it someday when I sell the bike and I don't want it to look like shit when I do.
  22. I don't paint my track bikes, my street bike probably has bugs on it from last year and I ride around with a baby on the back. Looks aren't really my thing; I have even owned a busa. If someone tells me that something I have looks like shit they might be right I really don't care.
  23. So your guys are too stupid to understand it's the rider and not the bike doing the magical things?
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