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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Uncle Punk

    trailer park

    From the album: White people

  2. I think Sam just admitted to being a fag and wants me to kick his gay little ass. It would be much more gratifying if you were an Asian Jew fag but one out of three ain't bad.
  3. The plainclothes guy was performing his duties and had no expectation of privacy. The plainclothes guy pulled a gun on someone for no apparent reason while expecting privacy. The first scenario no harm no foul, not the best way to have handled it but the result was a ticket for the rider and no one was hurt. The second scenario the plainclothes guy goes to jail along with the rider both for separate offenses. The plainclothes guy loses his badge. I don't see how the police get to have the best of both worlds.
  4. The bike or my BBC that's moving? If you talk to me just right it will move for you.
  5. I can't control myself when you tickle me. Is it wrong to think about it and it moves a little? No homo.
  6. He doesn't harass me. He is a very kind and generous lover. It's the rest of the fags who think they can just hit it and quit it that really pisses me off. I think it's time for some fag beatings.
  7. Going around corners? I don't think it even exists. I have heard about it but have yet to see it turn a wheel.
  8. Now that I think about it I don't know if MJ has a boyfriend. Trying to be her friend won't be nearly as much fun if I can't piss a boyfriend off. Call me when you get a boyfriend.
  9. There are a bunch of gays around here too. I am getting tired of being sexually harassed by them just because they want to get with my big black dick.
  10. I can suck you into the vortex too if you would like. Come to think of it there are a few Jews around here who post too much but don't seem to be selling anything. What's up with that?
  11. There is no way I'm going to let some ginger out mack me. Although you do have her number and I don't. MJ will you be my friend? I thinks you are just the sweetest thing evar.
  12. You can see it coming from a mile away.

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