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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. If you need to ride faster than that bike is capable of you're riding too fast. I have a hard time keeping up with a guy on a XB9 with my 1K; it's all about the rider once you get a bike like that. That is a great bike. Enjoy and be safe.
  2. Can I get her number?
  3. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. It is amazing how much you don't know about riding until you are exposed to additional information. For what a track day costs it’s a great bargain if it can save you the cost of a deductable because now you are on your way to gaining better bike control. Can you learn good bike control riding on the street, sure but it will take you a lot longer and potentially cost you more. This should make you a better safer street rider. Welcome to a whole new way to spend money. Good advice to give yourself. Dot race tires have their place but very few people in the beginning group need or will benefit from them.
  4. They were kind of weak by today’s standards. Comparing them to modern 600s they had about the same power but more weight. They did compare to modern 600s way better that a SV1000.
  5. If that is what them cruisers run you should run me with my SUV. I ran 11.30 back in '89 on my '86 FJ1200
  6. According to Honda that is an acceptable level of oil consumption. Who am I to argue with them, they know best. None of the motors are failing they just make so much power they have to run a little loose.
  7. WTF are you talking about of course you are wrong and you should be listening to the disgruntled old men. Honda is superior, there I said it and so it is so. Cruisers still suck.
  8. Honda is superior to all the others. You guys with other bikes just think they are okay because you have had good luck with them but if you owned a Honda you would know what a good bike is.
  9. I went and read that thread and I am right, cruisers suck.
  10. I haven't read that thread because I think cruisers suck. Maybe I'll go take a look in there and see what's going on.
  11. What are you doing posting aren't you supposed to be out riding a mechanical bull?
  12. Any chance of hooking up the next three days?
  13. I can make that work. My girlfriend lives on Sugar Ridge close to Pete's Filling Station, I will shoot for being there by 6:30, you can't be far from there.
  14. I have been thinking of getting the Joe Rocket Alter Ego pants because one of the leg zippers broke. These might save me $75. I could always wear the liner from the old pants if I wanted water protection. I did gain 24 pounds over the winter though, I wonder if these fit? I will be in Ridgeville this evening can I see if they fit? If they do I'll take them.
  15. Mine was wore out. About 1,400 to 1,600 miles so far and the next ride can't be a long one. 200 to 300 miles. I'm going to have to start using just the tip.
  16. Uncle Punk


    You're such a big teddy bear, so sweet, kind and gentle.
  17. Maybe they won't alter them because they weren't successful when they tried to do it. I'm sure they have plenty requests to do this and I doubt they would pass up the business if they could do it successfully. I vote for leaving it alone and eat more to fill it in.
  18. I have never shit up a for sale thread in here so for me to do this is not normal. Something about this whole deal didn't sound right so I took exception to it. If a dealer wants’ to come in and sponsor the site that would be great and I would even help their threads along if I thought it would benefit one of the members here and I certainly wouldn't fuck around with one of their threads. I have even posted dealer prices for people who are interested in something, not as a benefit to the dealer but to help out a member. I am assuming everyone here has quit biding on this because it's well over the going rate for this bike.
  19. You don't need to take me seriously; this is the internet and not serious business. Unless you can get a mod to stop me I will continue to play around in this thread and can almost guarantee you won't be selling this bike to anyone I know unless you get real with the price.
  20. I think your keyboard is still broken. You are correct about not dealing with me; I don't let people I don't know fuck me. That bike is worth between $4,300 and $4,700 if you are truly in a bind and need to sell. Full retail is $6,100 in a good market which this ain't. The biding on it is at $5,600 and the reserve isn't even met yet. If you want to pretend you're not selling this through a dealership go right ahead but I smell something funny and where you are at with the pricing is just stupid or you are lying.
  21. Why is this bike white are you some kind of racists? I can't believe the bid price is up to $5,600 the bike is only worth $4,300 I think the seller is using phantom bids. This is starting to look like a scam or a really bad deal for someone here. I would recommend staying away.
  22. Shinko and save the $40. This advice will change by the person. If you can get 12K out of a tire Shinkos are a great deal. If you get 2K out of a tire I wouldn't even consider them. Riding like a nut and riding the bike well are two different things. You can't get 4k out of a sport tire if you are riding hard. You can get more miles with a sport-touring tire but you should be riding at a different pace with them.
  23. Uncle Punk


    Sometimes I just use the tip.
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