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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Damn, I have too much work to do. I don't have the time to respond to this thread like I want to. Come on people entertain me.
  2. Yes, I am claiming it. I should be making arrangements with Tony to pick it up this weekend.
  3. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56238
  4. Unlimited data plan is recommended. Other than that it's a free service.
  5. Are you flirting with the new guy?
  6. Trailer space is covered. If someone doesn't give him a ride I will have a XB9 I can rent out while I'm down there.
  7. Did you guys hear that exhaust? That's bad ass. I can't wait for him to get it tuned. This beast should fly. I'm so glad he is keeping us posted but I wish he would come into his social group and give us special attention.
  8. I'm just not being understood, I only want to be her friend. How can that be creepy? I think she is a sweetie and should be my friend.
  9. I put a new rear tire on in March and have only ridden with it three days and will be lucky to make it another full day. They don't make them like they used to.
  10. She still hasn't called me. I think he is afraid to give me her number because he knows she won't be able to resist my charms once I get her to be my friend.
  11. Nothing new here I thought everyone knew we the people aren't entitled to protection from bad guys inside our country that originate from our country. National defense is a whole different issue.
  12. I don't know Brian but he seems to be a good guy from his posts. He has a good reputation here and participates enough for me to be comfortable with him. I have met Doug a few times and had him do work for me. I know several people who have had him do work. I don't know anyone who wasn't happy with his work. He is hard to work with and can be an asshole. If Brian wasn't an option I would still take my shit to him to have it worked on sometimes you have to overlook asshole to get what you want.
  13. I was refering to Brian's ex but your story sounds interesting. Give it up.
  14. You have good sources for help with track riding. I think you should make your wifes bike into a track bike.......
  15. That's right all you daredevils I said "BAN MOTORCYCLES" I don't see how you can campaign to re-enact a helmet law and not just try to ban motorcycles altogether. The same reasoning applies to both changes in the laws.
  16. I hear his ex-girlfriend is crazy hot. Plus I can fuck with anyone I know and even some I don't know. It's the internet don't you know.
  17. I bet they don't even use the tires that came from the factory or the body work. You should change all that stuff too.
  18. How much track time do you have? Learning to ride is more important than having a fast bike. I would vote to put the money into some track time. Then add the rest later if you still feel it's needed.
  19. Ninja 250 is a great deal for resale reasons as stated above. The overall cost of ownership is less. Hyosung makes a very good motorcycle but the resale value alone makes them very expensive to own.
  20. Yamalube at the required times as stated in your manual. People will tell you one is superior to the next but with little proof or experience other than it has worked well for them. That statement may be true for them but they don't know if using brand "X" wouldn't have worked just as well. No manufactured will recommend a product that won't provide you with the proper adequate protection. You are wasting money if you are spending more for a so called superior oil option.
  21. And I'm not afraid to use it.
  22. I wasn't here when this thread started so here is my take on it now that it's been revived. A motorcycle rider with a helmet on is no safer than a person in a car with or without a seatbelt on. If we can accept a seatbelt laws for safety reasons then I think we should ban and make all street motorcycles illegal. If safety is governments concern then I can't possibility understand how motorcycles are even allowed on our roads? Motorcycles don't provide and compelling reasons for being used as transportation so why give people the option of using them at all. Vehicles with crash ratings, seatbelts, third brake lights, air bags etc, etc ... should be the only available options on the road if safety is the obligation of the governments.
  23. Can I have your wife's number I want to be her friend?
  24. That's a nice thought and if you had the money is key here. The B-King beats the new V-Max in just about any category you want to measure plus you can buy two B-Kings for the price of one V-Max. The first year the new V-Max came out it had a limited production of 2,500 units and only 1,800 were ordered. It would have been cool if they had met the limit number and let them be a normal production unit the following year but that didn't happen. This would have probably allowed the price to meet the current market but right now you will still pay full retail in most cases. The bike missed the mark and the price keeps people away from them.
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