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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. It appears his psycho ex-girlfriend has come back courting him in hopes of big money showing up.
  2. I hope to get this guy to help me with my election campaign. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMRWNNBYAc8
  3. And that's why you let him touch you? Come on over I need to talk to you sugar britches.
  4. Were you leading him on by calling him sweetie?
  5. Wait until one of the fast kids catches you on a back road and you can't do nothing but try to keep up. Once they realize you are trying they just wave and disappear. Your frustration will not be measurable. It will be so bad you will have to sell the new bike in a hurry at a big loss just to go out and buy one that can keep up with the waving kid. Does anyone want to volunteer to show him what this will feel like on the test ride?
  6. Go make some yellow sheep! Right now Sam and I are even at about 50/50 but the ones with black in them are worth more.
  7. OMG I can't believe I'm saying this but this was all hashed out in this http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56677&highlight=katana thread yesterday. There is no reason to go over it again here. Everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves for the most part and no good can come from shitting up this thread. You guys do want these rides to happen again right? If this becomes a drama the folks organizing it may not feel it’s worth the effort. I love to jack threads just as much as the next guy but this thread was about riding and having a good time and I would hate to see it ruined. See me in the other thread and I will try to change the subject as much as possible or flame away.
  8. Have you guys seen the new exhaust? I can't wait to hear it.
  9. Imagine that U.P. the voice of reason.
  10. I understand the idea but I expect this experiment to fail. After several years without a bike I went the Harley route. Three years with it and I only put 5,800 miles on it. Every bike since then I have put about 10,000 miles a year on every street bike I have had. I got tired of losing money on everything I bought and with a Harley that wasn't going to happen. I didn't care if it was losing money or not it's not an investment and wasn't fun to ride at all. You have too much riding talent to be held back by a bike that is below your skills. I see constant frustration in your future. If at all possible try to rent one for a weekend before you make a decision.
  11. http://www.asb.tv/videos/view.php?v=1bf99434 Long video but worth it if you like planes and WWII vets. My grandfather was in the Army during the war as a machine gunner in the Asian theater. He died in 1978 from cancer. I do have some money he brought back with him.
  12. Was today some sort of government holiday that the rest of us don't know about?
  13. http://www.ventura-bike.com/imagedetail.aspx?model=566 You can also attach two bags together and have lots of storage for trips or taking the baby for a ride.
  14. Where is our leader? Why does he ignore us so? I'm having withdrawals already.
  15. How did this get jacked? I want the titanium balls! I was expecting them to show up once the government workers got in today. I think you guys are scaring them away.
  16. Verapamil with no side effects. I have had to raise the dosage with weight gain.
  17. I have my doubts that will work, I dance the fine line. You two start typing that foreign shit and I'm gonna bring out a big ol' can of black whoop ass on your inferior brown asses.
  18. Hey fuckface quit jacking my thread.
  19. Jemily is amused you keep calling him by the wrong name.
  20. Kevin really does appreciate a good jacker.
  21. We can ride together and I can help with some riding tips but go fast lessons are not a good idea. You really should have the basics from a track. I ride with some very fast guys that have no track time but they are the exception not the usual. The thread jack award is a joke guys. It is not an award. I pissed Casper off by jacking one of his threads and he changed it on me. I put the award spin on it to get back at him. I might be guilty of jacking a thread or two but I'm not an award winning jacker.
  22. Watch out for this guy posting in here, I think he is trying to cause trouble. Five years for track riding and 30 plus years street riding on and off.
  23. You will learn more at the track safely and quickly. Street riding teaches most people bad habits if riding quickly is your goal and the lessons usually hurt. Crossing the yellow line should be viewed as a crash. I have crossed a yellow in the past few years and it still bothers me.
  24. I know this without being there, 70 to 80 is the usually pace between curves. If he was going over the yellow lines around the corners then the only way for him to keep up was to ride fast between them. Having someone else chime in won't resolve anything. I am willing to take the heat for being an asshole and calling him out, there is no reason to pile on. I do think he owes the group an apology and I'm glad this issue was resolved here instead of in the original thread.
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