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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Uncle Punk


    Sorry Tony, No Buell rides this coming summer. Lake Erie HD also owns Avon Honda. After I left the HD showroom I wandered next door. Go big Red
  2. Uncle Punk


  3. Uncle Punk


    Done deal. 2008 demo with 2,800 miles. $6,500 minus trade plus tax, plus fees, tag... $5,416 otd. Goodbye little ninja.
  4. Uncle Punk


    Go riding with Tpoppa sometime, he rides a XB9 which has less HP than the 1125R, you won't be bored. On the back roads in southern Ohio I never thought I needed anything bigger than my old 600. Big HP is fun on the highway and maybe makes you not work so hard on the back roads if you don't scare yourself to death. I'm heading to Avon today to see if I can get them to up their offer for the Ninja 250 trade-in, they offered me $1,400 earlier this week.
  5. Uncle Punk


    I don't have those phone issues I has a BLACKberry. It keeps all my white brothers numbers.
  6. "The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" ..............Eleanor Roosevelt
  7. Uncle Punk


    I don't see you needing one of these as you have stated more or less a lateral move. I don't know why you need the SV when you have the Busa they are really good on the back roads and mucho comfy. I'm sure from Millersburg to Coshocton I would be faster on a Busa than I was with my old 600. I have put 15,000 miles on a Busa and they just fit me well. That being said I am without a road worthy bike at the moment so I can look.
  8. Uncle Punk


    I have just discovered that the 08 1125's don't have spool threaded holes but the 09s do. I have heard there were changes but what else? Who want's a 2006 Ninja 250 3,400 miles? I sold my other two bikes last week and all these deals are buring a hole in my motorcycle budget. I gave Udell your number yesterday but I made him promise not to text you.
  9. Uncle Punk


    Oh no you won't that would cost $0.25 Justin can't spare that kind of change for a picture.
  10. Uncle Punk


    I went to LE HD to look around while out riding on hookey Wednesday. I need to sell the little Ninja 250 who's looking?
  11. Uncle Punk


    No homo, you need to keep up Shittys bike will be painted pussy pink so we will all be riding pussy.
  12. Fuck, my stupid brother did that marathon, I NEVER thought I would ever want to do a marathon, now I HAVE to. I haven't ran in over a decade this won't be fun especially now that I have to beat his time.
  13. Sorry, I guess I should have read the whole thread.
  14. Uncle Punk


    When is the group ride on Shittys bike taking place from Inya's house.
  15. Now the unsigned rep is back. I liked seeing who the little bitch was who was negative repping me without signing it. I don't care if it's signed or not if you can figure out a way to keep someone from signing with a fake name.
  16. Uncle Punk


    They unchained that thing from the ceiling for you already? How do you get from Youngstown to Lorain? You suck, I hate you. I have rode one of those for a very short time. You have any seat time yet?
  17. Uncle Punk


    What you did a track day, how did I miss that? You will be okay the first couple of times when you are heavily supervised but once you are turned loose on your own stupid things happen quickly. I know this because I have totaled a Busa at the track. The XB would be a better choice for track use your first couple of years at the track. It appears to be way more comfortable than the 10 but that would be hard to tell without riding one. I had a Road King Classic that sucked for comfort at least for me but I could ride the Busa to Florida no problem. Did someone say having a Buell gets you pussy?
  18. Uncle Punk


    Another point I wanted to add is Honda has a $2,500 rebate right now on their 1ks. I know it doesn't bring the price down to $5k but it's not a bad deal. Kawasaki has $500 now on their 1ks and winter isn't over yet. (Good deals might be coming around Feburary.)
  19. Uncle Punk


    Tony riding his bike can hang with the front of any group. I had my doubts about that bikes capabilities but it can carve a corner better than most riders can so in that department no worries. The motor not so much but it's no wall flower. Tony isn't going to be able to say that without sounding like he is tooting his own horn but I enjoy riding with him and that bike doesn't but him at a disadvantage at least comparing it to a 600. I would question its resale value and how you like riding a twin. Ask Justin if you can ride the SV, twins aren't for everyone. Buying a Hyundai is cheaper than buying a Honda up front but overall cost of ownership is more when you factor trade in value. Your legs should be sore after an all day session of corner carving regardless of which bike you're riding, your ass and wrists are another story. DO NOT use your ZX10 for a track bike you will learn very little with it and leave yourself open for much carnage to it and yourself.
  20. What the hell is wrong with you did you miss my thread jack with the droopy tittied valley girl that Inya would hit if he could find a way to make her shut up?
  21. I don't know what you guys are talking about but the east coast still has slaves. It must be true I heard it on the internet. http://takeastandagainstliberals.blogspot.com/2009/07/california-is-fucked.html
  22. Oh please, corporate America is bad. If this guy had been successful with out Monster being there first and had risen to the level of their success he would be going after them with a cease and desist order. You protect yourself in the business world or you don't last long, using your money the right way gives you staying power. Monster will lose the case if it would be decided on its merits but that isn't going to happen. If it's a viable product with a good value, change the name move on and make some money. If I wanted to brew OHMonster he would be all over me.
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